
You can make anything
by writing


by 죠앙요 Dec 04. 2022



Dear GIYO.

Writing the ideas and perspectives on the page where everyone can read easily can make people persistent and logical. That's the reason I’ve been continuously jotting down any memos on the note or smartphone. Every insight coming from that habit is collectively arranged on my Notion page. I’ve believed in the power of passages.

However, the reason we are dealing with this ‘Brunch’ project is a little bit different. As we talked before, we need something to do together, and bring the idea of writing a co-essay, like Seul-A Lee, who is a famous essay writer in this country. Now this letter is the 36th, which means we already continued our projects for more than 7 months.

Even though there were several conflicts and kinds of arguments between us with this weekly work, I am still considering this writing choice as one of the best choices I made with you. There’s some reasons. First, It can stack our history specifically. We can open these writings someday, like the home video that my mom took of me and my sisters. Second, It is creating a more deep-close-relationship within us. It's all about the story of our life. We, while exchanging the memory of our lives, can feel uncountable emotions aiming at each other. Lastly, we can make some great common-goal above the writings, like making a book. Decision to publish will bring us more energy in our life.

Above all these reasons, I am deeply enjoying our writing project now and hope that we can make it until we got reaaaaaaaalllly old, when our fingers never move anymore. 

Love you.

+ Please make your story about 'my best song in 2022'



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