
You can make anything
by writing


by 죠앙요 Jan 08. 2023



    For around the previous 2 years, I have read books rather much compared to my whole life except then. Thanks for several reasons including taking the audio books, having a couple of hours to go to work, and people who I met for those days. For these reasons, I could enjoy not only communicating as part of a ‘book reader’ but it also abounded me with curiosity and insights. In this regard, I want to share with you one of the best books I've read in the previous couple of years.

    The title of the book is ‘Man’s searching for meaning’ by ‘Victor Frankl’, in korean, it is ‘죽음의 수용소에서'. I believe that the main purpose of contents, such as books, is transmitting the message or knowledge. This book was well performed in the case of messaging to the audience. The story is based on real experience, which no one can easily surmise, the life of Auschwitz. The author, the psychologist, had tried to put the experiences objectively and medically, developed these ideas into some theories to make readers understand easily. I usually recommend this book with other experiences; watch the film ‘Son of Saul’ and visit Auschwitz.

    I visited that place in 2017, and watched the movie in 2015. Both experiences showed me the actual scenery of this hazardous place, with little annihilation. By reading the book, I could better imagine the place, so that I could understand an appreciable sum of the cases. In the story, we can catch the flow of human’s thinking change. We can understand how German troops control the victims with mental pressure. If there is a chance, I recommend you read it! 




I miss you a lot!!

The topic for next week is ‘The thing make my smile'

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