
You can make anything
by writing


by 오경수 Oct 19. 2022

If I were Michel Foucault

Would he do as I do?

   Last sunday, I bought brand new iphone, iphone 14 pro. If you ask me “why did you buy it?”, I can’t say reasonable reason I bought it. Actually, I didn’t want to buy new phone because my ex phone, iphone 11 pro, didn’t have problems to use for me. And as the person who like Foucault’s philosophy, I don’t want to be under of power that makes people buy something not essential for needs. Becasue I study bio-politics and structurism philosophy, I can’t buy something that isn’t essential and mandate. When I spend my money for something that power makes me buy, I feel skepticism. The telos, Aristoteles said, of my phone is calling to someone, communication with someone with instagram, kakaotalk. I don’t do heavy game. So iphone 11 pro was suitable to use for a long time when i bought new phone, iphone 14 pro. But I bought it. why did I bought it?

  If Foucault were me, what would he do act at that situation? Although he was philosopher, he enjoyed  drinking party and spending money. He bought jaguar and enjoyed speed with his car. So, If he lived at 21C like me, might he buy new phone in case like mine? As a borgeoisie, philosopher and dandy person, I think he would buy it. Because he is rich. But as a philosopher, it could be happen that he criticizes useless consumption. But for self care, It is possible for him to spend money for himself.

  Jacques Lacan(1901~1981) said we desire what others desire. It means that what we desire isn’t borned by ourselves. Why we study? because the people around us want us to study for themselves. If so, what I am desiring now isn’t my desire? If so, it’s not true for me to buy that for myself? As it would be true, I am satisfied with it. So consumption I made is right? Given I don’t need to buy new phone, It’s wrong action. But I made my happiness through buying it.

  Indeed, what is true happiness for people? Pursuing happiness that the powerful people set or destroy what people set as happiness for someone’s profit? I really wonder what is true happiness. The more I study philosophy, the more happiness runs from me. But the more I study, the more I can filter what isn’t genuine happiness.

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