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by 현안 XianAn 스님 May 31. 2022

Learn to meditate at BongEunSa

Buddhist Meditation for everyone

Learn to meditate at BongEunSa!

Talk on Seon Meditation at BongEunSa with the youth group

The Youth Group (Young Adult Group) of BongEunSa would like to invite you all to learn and experience the proper Buddhist meditation method. We welcome all of you regardless your age, religion or cultural background.  This class will be good for everyone. For beginners, basic instructions will be given in both Korean or English.


Bongeunsa (봉은사) is a Buddhist temple located in SamSeong Dong, GangNam in Seoul, across the street from the COEX Mall. This beautiful temple is one of the most notable tourist desitnation so you can enjoy their meditation walk, beautiful Buddhist temple buildings and so on.

Class: Intro to Seon Meditation

Location: BongEunSa SuRyeonWon (See the temple map below)

Guiding Dharma Master: XianAn Sunim

Time: Saturday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm

Tuition: Free of Charge

Contact: 010-9262-8441

Suryeonwon is located at number 24.

Please come to BongEunSah. Walk to the main Buddha Hall. Turn left and walk straight forward up to the hill. You will find cultivation center after passing a small door as seen in the map below.

After meditation class, you may join Sutra lecture by SeokDu Sunim in BoWooDang. If you need translation please text above number in advance.

A Long Sit Challenge Session at BongEunSa!

This session will be scheduled and announced again in the future

매거진의 이전글 경주 덕숭사에서 미국 위앙종 불교 명상법을 배워보세요
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