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by 현안 XianAn 스님 Aug 28. 2022

Buddhist Meditation @BongEunSa

Every Saturday 2pm-4pm, Open to everyone

Learn Authentic Buddhist meditation at BongEunSa

Free class. Open to everyone regardless ages and religions.

You can join meditation class at BongEunSa, conveniently located north of COEX, and was constructed in the 10th year of Silla King Weongseong’s reign (794). In 1498, Queen Jeonghyeon refurbished Gyeonseongsa Temple and renamed it Bongeunsa Temple.


Buddhist Seon Meditation at BongEunSa

Organized by the Youth Group (청년회) of BongEunSa.

Every Saturday from 2 to 4pm

Inquiry & Direction 010-9262-8441 (Please text)

Instructor: HyunAn Sunim (현안 스님)

Address: 531, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

After this meditation session, please feel free to join weekly Dharma assembly for the youth group at Bo-U-Dang building(buidling 22). The Dharma master of Youth group will recite One thousand hand sutra with the participants in Korean traditional chanting style.

This class will be taught in both Korean and English by HyunAn Sunim(현안 스님). Venerable HyunAn has been training under Master YongHua for over a decade and has been teaching Chan(or Seon) meditation since 2015 in the United States.

In this class, you will learn the principles and techniques of Chan/Seon Buddhist meditation. The instructor will reveal the extraordinary method of Seon Meditation, from basic stretches and sitting postures, to the fundamental principles of Buddhism. 

As a Buddhist nun, the sunim has practiced and taught many years under Master YongHua from Wei Mountain Temple (California, USA). Therefore, the instructor will present these ancient skills to the Western cultured or educated people in an easy format. This class will provide practical and concrete instructions and all people, regardless of their religions, can achieve personal benefits.

“Meditation is a powerful technique for restoring your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. Ultimately, meditation will help you unfold your inherent wisdom, enabling you to end suffering and attain enlightenment. And on a more basic level, you will develop greater focus and concentration, which will have an immediate and practical application to your life.”

Click to listen to "Question and Answer session" after group sitting meditation.

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