
매거진 BookReviews

You can make anything
by writing


by Dominic Cho Nov 09. 2023

First Steps - Jeremy Desilva

Book reviews

- Score: 6.5/10

- My comment

"The kindness of Strangers" is hidden in "First Steps"

- Summary

Following the footsteps of bipedalism, this book investigates what triggered the change from quadrupedalism to bipedalism. The first chapter describes the biological features of bipedalism with examples such as dinosaurs, birds, and apes. After that, it focuses on hominin, which means direct ancestors and cousins of humans, to figure out how humans developed bipedalism. Finally, it deals with multiple aspects of bipedalism to find out its conclusion "empathy".

- Impression

This book is written in simple words, with vivid metaphors, and contains interesting stories. It also explains basic scientific thinking and critical thinking. However, the conclusion of this book, which is empathy, is not good enough to capture readers' hearts. Overall, it was fun and relaxing to read.

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