
You can make anything
by writing


by Dr Hyun Oh Jul 27. 2023

불안한 마음을 잠재워주는 글

The Alchemist - When we love❤️

It has been a long-time habit of mine to write down 

inspirational quotes from books. 

Today I came across this amazing phrase from 

The Alchemist. 

Hope this helps you too! 

When we love, 
we always stive to become better than we are. 
When we strive to become better than we are, 
everything around us becomes better too.

Whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, 

when you really want something, 

it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. 

It is your mission on earth.

We have to take advantage 

when luck is on our side, 

and do as much to help it

as it's doing to help us.

There was a language in the world that

everyone understood, 

a language the body had used throughout the time that 

he was trying to improve things at the shop.

It was the language of enthusiam, 

of things accomplished with love and purpose, 

and as part of a search for something 

believed in and desired.

Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him.

Don't forget that everything you deal with 

is only one thing and nothing else.

Tell your hear that the fear of suffering

is worse than the suffering itself.

And that no hearts has ever suffered

because every second of the search 

is a second's encounter with God

and with eternity.

Wish you a day filled with love and happiness.  


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