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by 황병선 Oct 25. 2015

디지탈 사업 전략이 중요한 이유

IT 기술이 회사의 보조가 아닌 핵심 전략으로서의 역할에 대한 논문

논문에서는 Digital Business Strategy라고 표현했지만, 우리나라 용어로는 IT 기술이 어떻게 회사의 핵심 전략이 되어야 하는지를 설명하고 있다.

아래는 이러한 디지탈 사업 전략관점에서 회사가 가져야할 핵심 질문들이다.

Scope of Digital Business Strategy

What is the extent of fusion and integration between IT strategy and business strategy?

How encompassing is digital business strategy, and how effectively does digital business strategy transcend traditional functional and process silos?

How well does digital business strategy exploit the digitization of products and services, and the information around them?

How well does digital business strategy exploit the extended business ecosystem?

Scale of Digital Business Strategy

How rapidly and cost effectively can the IT infrastructure scale up and down to enable a firm’s digital business strategy tobolster a strategic dynamic capability?

How well does digital business strategy leverage network effects and multisided platforms?

How well does digital business strategy take advantage of data, information, and knowledge abundance?

How effective is digital business strategy in scaling volume through alliances and partnerships?

Speed of Digital Business Strategy

How effective is digital business strategy in accelerating new product launches?

How effective is digital business strategy in speeding up learning for improving strategic and operational decision making?

How effectively does digital business strategy bolster the speed of dynamic supply chain orchestration?

How quickly does digital business strategy enable the formation of new business networks that provide complementary


How effectively does the digital business strategy speed up the sense and respond cycle?

Sources of Value Creation and Capture

How effective is digital business strategy in leveraging value from information?

How effective is digital business strategy in leveraging value from multisided business models?

How effective is digital business strategy in capturing value through coordinated business models in networks?

How effective is digital business strategy in appropriating value through the control of the firm’s digital architecture?

여기서 아래 내용에서 플랫폼과 비즈니스 생태계에 대한 언급이 나의 관심을 끌었다. 기존 플랫폼 사업자의 비즈니스 모델이 하나의 플랫폼 내에서 수수료 모델이었다면 새로운 사업자들은 여러개의 플랫폼을 통한 수익을 창출한다는 점이다. 

Value Creation from Multi sided Business Models

Digital business strategy brings into sharp focus the impor-tance of multisided revenue models not just in software.Going beyond software pricing such as Adobe Reader and browsers, we now find that a wide range of companies areexamining multisided business models. Indeed, new leadersin the digital space (e.g., Google, Facebook, Twitter, andothers) base their raison d’être on such models. These multi-sided business models are also multilayered where a company gives away certain products or services in one layer to capture value at a different layer. For example, Google’s entry intomobile phones is based on giving away the software(Android) free and monetizing it through its ability to influence and control advertising. Digital business strategy intro-duces more nuanced ways to conceptualize the drivers ofvalue creation and capture by thinking about the multisidednature of interactions.


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