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by Exodus Jan 25. 2022

무료 콘텐츠: 리더십이론 등장타임라인 대방출

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연도, 리더십이론명, 최초 연구자명, 그리고 레퍼런스까지 모두 드림합니다.

도움되시는 자료되길 소망합니다~

그럼 시작합니다~ 

연도: 1961년 / 이론명: Traits theory (=dispositional theory) / 연구자명: Gordon, A. W.

레퍼런스: Gordon, A. W. (1961). Pattern and growth in personality (14 print. ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 

1964년 / Behavioral Leadership / Blake, R. & Mouton, J.

Blake, R. & Mouton, J. (1964). The Managerial Grid: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co.

1967년 / Contingency Model(theory) / Fiedler

Fiedler, F. E. (1967). A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill.

1969년 / Situational leadership theory / Hersey, P. & Blanchard, K. H.

Hersey, P. & Blanchard, K. H. (1969). Management of Organizational Behavior – Utilizing Human Resources. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

1970년 / Servant leadership theory / Greenleaf, R. K.

Greenleaf, R. K. (1970). The Servant as Leader. Indianapolis: The Robert K. Greenleaf Center.

1970년 / Path-goal theory / Evans, M. G.

Evans, M. G. (1970). The effects of supervisory behavior on the path-goal relationship. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. 5, 277–298.

1973년 / Taxonomy for describing leadership situation / Vroom, V. H. & Yetton, P. W.

Vroom, V. H. & Yetton, P. W. (1973). Leadership and Decision-Making. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

1975년 / Leadership motive profile / McClelland, D. C.

McClelland, D. C. (1975). Power: the inner experience. New York: Irvington Publishers.

1978년 / Leadership substitute theory / Kerr, S., & Jermier, J. M.

Kerr, S., & Jermier, J. M. (1978). Substitutes for leadership: Their meaning and measurement. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 22, 375-403.

1978년 / Transformational leadership / Burns, J. M.

Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. NY: Harper & Row.

1980년 / Self-management / Manz & Sims

Manz, C. C., & Sims, H. P. (1980). Self-management as a substitute for leadership: A social learning theory perspective. Academy of Management Review. 5(3), 361-367.

1981년 / Multiple Linkage Model / Yukl, G. 

Yukl, G. (2008). Leadership in organizations (7th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 

1984년 / Implicit leadership theories / Lord, Foti, & De Vader

Lord, R. G., Foti, R. J., De Vader, C. L. (1984). A test of leadership categorization theory: internal structure, information processing, and leadership perceptions. Organ Behav Hum Perform 34, 343–378.

1984년 / Upper echelons theory / Hambrick & Mason

Hambrick D. C. & Mason P. A. (1984). Upper echelons: The organization as a reflection of its top managers. Academy of Management Review, 9, 193–206.

1985년 / Transactional leadership / Bass, B. M.

Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.

1985년 / Romance of leadership / Meindl, Ehrlich, & Dukerich

Meindl, J. R., Ehrlich, S. B., & Dukerich, J. M. (1985). The romance of leadership. Administrative Science Quarterly, 30, 78−102.

1986년 / Self-Leadership / Manz

Manz, C. C. (1986). Self-leadership: Toward an expanded theory of self-influence processes in organizations. Academy of Management Review, 11(3), 585-600.

1987년 / Cognitive resource theory / Fiedler, F. E. & Garcia, J. E.

Fiedler, F. E. & Garcia, J. E. (1987). New approaches to leadership: Cognitive resources and organizational performance. NY: Wiley.

1990년 / Coaching leadership / Seligman, Gallway, Whitmore, Leonard, Whitwort

Seligman, M. E. P. (1990). Learned optimism. New York: Knopf.

1995년 / Super Leadership / Manz & Sims 

1995년 / Leader–member exchange (LMX) theory / Graen & Uhl-Bien

Graen, G., & Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership: Development of leader–member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective. The Leadership Quarterly, 6(2), 219−247.

1995년 / Individualized leadership / Dansereau, F. et al.

Dansereau, F., Francis J. Yammarino, Steven E. Markham, Joseph A. Alutto, Jerry Newman, MacDonald Dumas, Sidney A. Nachman, Thomas J. Naughton, Kyongsu Kim, Saad A. Al-Kelabi, Sangho Lee, Tiffany Keller. (1995). Individualized leadership: A new multiple-level approach, The Leadership Quarterly, 6(3), 413-450.

1995년 / Followership theories / Meindl

Meindl, J. R. (1995). The romance of leadership as a follower-centric theory: A social constructionist approach. The Leadership Quarterly, 6, 329−341.

1996년 / Executive coaching / Witherspoon, R., & White, R. P.

Witherspoon, R., & White, R. P. (1996). Executive coaching: A continuum of roles. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 48(2), 124–133.

1997년 / Neo-Charismatic theories of leadership / House, R. J., & Aditya, R. N.

House, R. J., & Aditya, R. N. (1997). The social scientific study of leadership: Quo vadis? Journal of Management, 23, 409−473.

1998년 / Co-active coaching / Whitworth, Kimsey-House, & Sandahl

Whitworth, L., Kimsey-House, H., & Sandahl, P. (1998). Co-active coaching – New skills for coaching people toward success in work and life. Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publishing.

1998년 / Emotional intelligence / Goleman

Goleman, D. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. New York, NY: Bantam.

1999년 / Self-sacrificing leadership / Choi & Mai-Dalton

Choi, Y., & Mai-Dalton, R. R. (1999). The Model of Followers’ Responses to Self-Sacrificial Leadership: An Empirical Test. The Leadership Quarterly, 10, 397-421.

1999년 / Outstanding leadership / Beyer

Beyer, J. M. (1999). ‘Two approaches to staying charismatic leadership: competing or complementary?’, Leadership Quarterly, 10, 575–588.

2000년 / The model of relational leadership / Brower, Schoorman, & Tan

Brower, H. H., Schoorman, F. D., & Tan, H. H. (2000). A model of relational leadership: The integration of trust and leader–member exchange. The Leadership Quarterly, 11, 227–250.

2000년 / Five-Factor Model Traits (based on Traits theory) / Judge, T. A., & Bono, J. E.

Judge, T. A., & Bono, J. E. (2000). Five-factor model of personality and transformational leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 751–769.

2001년 / Pragmatic leadership / Mumford & Van Doorn

Mumford, M. D., Antes, A. L., Caughron, J. J., & Friedrich, T. L. (2008). Charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leadership: Multi-level influences on emergence and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 19, 144–160.

2001년 / Integrative leadership / Marion & Uhl-Bien

Marion, R., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2001). Leadership in complex organizations. Leadership Quarterly, 12, 389 – 418.

2001년 / E-leadership / Avolio et al.

Avolio, B. J., Kahai, S., & Dodge, G. E. (2001). E-leadership: Implications for theory, research, and practice. The Leadership Quarterly, 11, 615–668.

2002년 / Normative decision model / Stemberg, R. J., & Vroom, V.

Stemberg, R. J., & Vroom, V. (2002). The person versus the situation in leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(3), 301-323.

2002년 / Ideological leadership / Strange & Mumford 

Strange, J. M. & Mumford, M. D. (2002). The origins of vision: Charismatic versus ideological leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(4), 343–377.

2002년 / Team Leadership / Zaccaro & Klimoski

Zaccaro, S. J., & Klimoski, R. (2001). The nature of organizational leadership. In: S. J. Zaccaro, & R. Klimoski(Eds.), The nature of organizational leadership: understanding the performance imperatives confronting today’s leaders ( pp. 3 – 41). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

2002년 / Emotional Leadership / Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee

Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2002). Primal leadership: Learning to lead with emotional intelligence. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

2003년 / Contextual leadership / Antonakis et al.

Antonakis, J., Avolio, B. J., & Sivasubramaniam, N. (2003). Context and leadership: An examination of the nine-factor full-range leadership theory using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. The Leadership Quarterly, 14, 261–295.

2003년 / Relational Leadership Theory / Uhl-Bien, M.

Uhl-Bien, M. (2003). Relationship development as a key ingredient for leadership development. In S. Murphy & R. Riggio (Eds.), The future of leadership development (pp. 129−147). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Publishers.

2004년 / Trait leadership / Zaccaro et al.

Zaccaro, S. J., Kemp, C., & Bader, P. (2004). Leader traits and attributes. The nature of leadership. (pp. 101-124). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, Inc.

2004년 / Flexible Leadership / Yukl, G., & Lepsinger, R.

Yukl, G., & Lepsinger, R. (2004). Flexible leadership: Creating value by balancing multiple challenges and choices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

2005년 / Authentic leadership / Avolio, B. J., & Gardner, W. L.

Avolio, B. J., & Gardner, W. L. (2005). Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 16, 315–338.

2005년 / Ethical leadership theory / Brown, Trevino, & Harrison

Brown, M. E., Trevino, L. K., & Harrison, D. A. (2005). Ethical leadership: A social learning perspective for construct development and testing. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 97, 117-134.

2006년 / The theoretical foundations of coaching / Williams, P.

Williams, P. (2006). The theoretical foundations of coaching: You mean this stuff wasn’t just made up? Choice Magazine, 4(2), 49–50.

2006년 / Complexity leadership theory / Lichtenstein et al.

Lichtenstein, B., Uhl-Bien, M., Marion, R., Seers, A., Orton, J., Schreiber, C. (2006). Complexity leadership theory: An interactive perspective on leading in complex adaptive systems. ECO, 8, 2–12.

2007년 / Trait-Based Perspectives of Leadership / Zaccaro, S. J.

Zaccaro, S. J. (2007). Trait-based perspectives of leadership. American Psychologist, 62, 6-16.

2007년 / Destructive leadership / Einarsen et al.

Einarsen, Ståle & Schanke Aasland, Merethe & Skogstad, Anders. (2007). Destructive leadership behavior: A definition and conceptual model. The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 207-221.

2009년 / Adaptive Leadership / Heifetz, Grashow, & Linsky

Heifetz, R. A., Grashow, A., & Linsky, M. (2009). The practice of adaptive leadership: Tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world. Harvard Business Press.

2009년 이후 더 생겼을겁니다. 아시겠지만 약 40년 전에 나타난 변혁적 리더십 이론, 요즘도 활발히 콘텐츠화되고 있다는 걸 보면 참 놀랍습니다. 이상 입니다~ (APA 오표기 감안하고 봐주세요~^^;) 

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