
You can make anything
by writing


by Floating Kabin Sep 16. 2020

20200915, Morning

Pandemic Chronicles

2020 has been a very weird year. Everything I believed to be true changed upside down since the pandemic started. Locked in the city, I couldn't visit my family, friends, not even An. I couldn't go out for drinking. I couldn't go for movies. All kinds of social activities I've took for granted were not available anymore or very limited to indulge pleasure.

I was confused. Right after I wake up in the morning, I started to feel as if somebody has dumped a stack of unwanted free time which I had no idea to consume. My friends were same. We talked about uncertainty because that was our biggest common topic we faced everyday. Talking about negativity gave me a relief that I am not the only person to feel bad about life. But it also exhausted my emotions. Sometimes I panicked for no reason. I couldn't sleep well. My life was an emotional mess.

One day, I came across a squat tutorial from the Youtube. The trainer was showing four squat poses while persuading her virtual audience to 'spend only 6 minutes to follow this routine every day and change your life'. As I was bored of spending too much time at home and started to aware that my body slightly got puffier, I stood up and followed the trainer. My thighs were sore but it felt good. The best part was that it really only took 6 minutes. So I did it next day as well. Then I did it again. Soon I realized that I followed the routine for the whole month. One month soon became two. It also brought me another habit to exercise daily. I started to hit the gym. I felt very accomplished when I saw the figures on my Inbody test results were dropped. My new habit induced not only gradual changes in lifestyle, but also invigorated my inner-self to seek further spiritual expansion. To nourish inner demands, I started to study Japanese and bought a book for myself. That trainer was right. 6 minutes of daily exercise changed my life.

Going through third COVID-19 wave in Hong Kong, I grew lazier. To stay alerted from being lazy and set a solid deadline for my Japanese result, I registered for JLPT exam. Following curves of the pandemic, my struggles for life are shifting momentarily. But am I happy with my current life? With all those big and small sense of accomplishment I started to embrace in this year, I would say yes. I am happy, I feel great for myself, and I am very confident of what I am pursueing. :)

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