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Love Liberty Labor

3Ls we need in our society

Do you know what is the most important values starting alphabet L, that is, 3Ls in our society? I see these are love, liberty and labor. Many people agree that love and liberty are the essential parts of the most important value in our society. What about labor?

The concept of labor has been changed. People think labor is no longer just working but investing stocks and buying Bitcoins, not just sweating but waiting to catch chances of earning money, something related to intelligence, not manual work.

Without true labor resulted in sweat and toil, however, we cannot be able to know the value of the work, who we are and the relationship with others. Labor makes man.

I teach work ethics for juniors and seniors in the semester. The first question I asked in the first class was what the most needed quality for workers was. The students answered the ability of speaking English and professional skills. But in fact the human resource people in the company first wanted to have workers was work ethics. The answers for what the least needed quality for workers was the opposite; the students answered work ethics, the employers English.

This shows the gap between the students and the employers. Without work ethics in a broad sense, there is no teamwork, no trust among workers, and no deep relationships with others. 

One thing I have learned to work with others well is that I should think that others are always better than me in some ways like organizing things, making others laugh and comfortable, understanding situations, etc.

Today Jesus teaches us what the workers should do in the workplaces. We all are workers sent by God. So we should trust our employer and follow the work ethics like sharing peace to anyone, receiving what is set before without grumbling and comparing, and working for the Kingdom of God not for oneself.

If we labor in accordance with Jesus’ teaching, we will experience liberty in our work and feel love of others whom we serve.

Love, liberty and labor are still the most important values in the society.

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