
You can make anything
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Fire Within

My passion for running

When Jesus talks about fire in the gospel, what is the mage of fire you have? It would be consuming power for a final judgment and punishment or purifying force to cleanse us from impurity. Fire is to judge or to purify, so it is something scary that no one wants to have close. 

But, we all have a fire within. Fire is what we like most, that is, our passion.  

Do you have passion for something? Anything that motivates you to wake up in the morning, spend your free time, read related topics in the evening and make your heart move? 

I have passion for running. My fire is to run a marathon, not just for me but for children in Madagascar, Bolivia, and Central African Republic. It has been 17 years since I started running in 2005.  

I call it Living Person that comes from the words of St. Irenaeus, “The glory of God is the living person.” 

I have run two or three times a week, partaking in a marathon a year. I see a marathon is a fire that consumes me completely because I do not want to leave anything behind for myself.  I want to exhaust everything I have for others. 

Running is a way of burning myself down for others.  

What is your passion? What kind of fire do you have with which you are to be baptized?  

If you are neither hot nor cold, God would spit you out because God doesn’t like lukewarm. Without fire, life is dull and there is no life. 

Setting the earth on fire means finding one’s life purpose that enables anyone move, breathe, live and die for. 

Thanks to God, I have found it. Sweat, breath, and gasping in running make me know that I am alive, alive for others.  

On this Sunday the fire is going to burn me down again in the Living Person 17 DCU. I hope it would be blazing big.  

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