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Do you believe in Evil?

Lenten Mission

A couple of days ago, I have read a news that says many people including Christians do not believe in evil. They think that evil is a mysterious and imaginal creature made up in people's mind.

I see the word 'evil' interesting because the backward of the word evil is 'live'. If we do not live well, we might be tempted by evil or already caught in evil.

Certainly there are evil, satan, and demon. Today in the gospel Jesus named the prince of demon Beelzebul. 

It is important to know the nature of demon that is all about being against the good and God because the essential character of demon is rebelious against God. In this sense, devil works hard to make people not obey nor pay heed to the Lord's voice.

Demon's ultimage goal is to make people move away from God by alluring and seducing. Small favors for oneself or ignoring others' needs is a simple way to lead people to have hardened hearts and stiff necks which is all about themselves.

We are tempted every day and every moment. Even good intention we begin with can get lost along the way by being tempted to act out of selfish reason or fear not love.

Therefore, we need to examine our thoughts and actions every day and every moment whether we move away from God or move toward God.

Lent is the time to practice faithfulness through fasting, prayer and almsgiving. Let us choose fasting against greed, prayer against control and almsgiving against security.

Jesus is the example that resisted and won over devil with the Word and faith in God. 

The battle between good and evil is still going on in the world as well as in us. Let's win in us first!

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