
You can make anything
by writing


Life that God wants

Life to the full

At the beginning of the new semester, we hear the story of Peter's encounter with Jesus.

Peter was astounded by seeing a great number of fish he caught because of simply following Jesus' order.

There was a conflict in Peter's heart whether he was worthy to be with the great prophet. He wondered whether his sinfulness was detected by the master.

Overall Peter had fear in his secret inside that no one could reach and heal.

"Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch"(Lk 5,4).

Jesus knew Peter's heart and challenged it by asking him to face it in Peter's way.

I used to have my own fear of being unsuccessful and unrecognized by students at the beginning of semesters. 

So I more focused on the students' reactions than efforts to share myself, more wanted to be accepted and loved than to love them, more on myself than others.

Jesus the true teacher asks us to take courage to go beyond our fear and to experience what God has prepared for us.

It is not about us but about God who wants us to just do it, forgetting ourselves and trusting in God.

We will never be able to be ready for God's work. With our shortcomings and weaknesses, we just follow the commandments and strive to live faithfully.

God wants us to live our life to the full without fear. God can make us true teachers that is succinctly described in the gosepl: 'fishers of men' in which we will be catching men.

St. Paul's words on the last Monday resound in my heart because it shows what kind of life I should pursue in the semester with the Lord's grace.

"We urge you to aspire to live a tranquil life, to mind your own affairs, and to work with your (own) hands"(1The 4,11).

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