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War and Peace

Peace is the way

Jesus says today, "I tell you, this generation will be charged with their blood!"(Luke 11,51)

The war between Israel and Hamas broke out on the day of Sabbath. Since then, we all are carefully and sadly watching the news of devastation and casuality caused by the both sides.

Pope Francis acknowledged that “it is the right of those who are attacked to defend themselves”.

However, he expressed concern for the “total siege facing the Palestinians in Gaza, where there have also been many innocent victims.”

In fact, Israel shut off access to electricity, food, water, and gas in Gaza where two million people live.

We feel powerless in the urgent situation that needs to guarantee humanitarian help for the entire population in Gaza.

The Pope said, “Terrorism and extremism do not help to reach a solution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, but fuel hatred, violence, and revenge, causing suffering to both sides...The Middle East does not need war but peace, a peace built on justice, dialogue, and the courage of fraternity.”

We need to pray for peace, a peace not only for them but also for us. As someone said, there is no way to peace; peace is the way.

The Pope urges, “Please do not shed any more innocent blood, neither in the Holy Land, nor in Ukraine, nor anywhere else! Enough! Wars are always a defeat, always!”

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