
You can make anything
by writing


by GordonSun Jul 16. 2017


Learning Sharing Dreaming

I know a famous man who very much liked LSD. As he liked LSD, I like it. He is Steve Jobs, who was Apple’s CEO. He created very many inventions for people during all his life and eventually, their life became more convenient and comfortable. Like a time, he did not stop to learn about something. Like nature, he never quitted to sharing his creativities with people.  Like a child, he did not halt todream for a new hope.  It is LSD that madeimpossible things change into possible, unhappy situations switch into happy, failure works shift into success. Like this, I think that teaching is it.Teaching is to plant endless will of Learning, inculcate dedicated volition of Sharing,and implant hopeful aim of Dreaming. Until yet, do not you know LSD’s realmeaning? It is acronym of Learning, Sharing, and Dreaming. They have to connectinteractively. 

Teaching is to plant endless will of learning. Teachingis learning. Learning is faith. That is, teaching is not to give knowledge to onlystudents, but to help students to get mind that is going to find something oflearning by themselves endlessly. I think that students have infinitepotentials. Through on TV, I watched people who made impossible thing changeinto possible. For instance, Baumgartner who has successes freefall with 39kmskydive and Hi A, Lee who was famous for four finger’s pianist. They havesomething in common. That is a strong faith in them that can do it. Soeverybody does not know students can do something or not. A further importantconsideration is to help find it. I think that it is a role of teaching. Teacherhas to help students be able to find it self-directly. To do that, plantingstudent’s endless will of learning is the best important thing. Absolutely, Ithink only teaching can act this role. 

Teaching is to inculcate dedicated volition of sharing.Teaching is sharing. Sharing is love. It needs to share with each other. Itcannot do alone. Like this, teaching is not to help students possess knowledgebut to help students get the mind that can recognize something of sharingthemselves dedicatedly. Through a newspaper, I read about people who made unhappysituations switch into happy. For example, there are Bill Gates who is the bestrich man in the world and is donating his assets to society and Il Do, Choipriest who provides meal for homeless during twenty years. They have somethingin common. They have mind to loving each other devotedly. Many things are hereto change the world but I think there is nothing important more than sharing. Teachershelp students be able to act to share their knowledge. Society is changingrapidly. Until just recently, knowledge is a criterion of success but more andmore changes into ability to share knowledge. A society demands people that canvery well lead collaboration and harmony in the group. So, teachers have toendure that students can get dedicated volition of sharing.

Teaching is to implant hopeful aim of dreaming.Teaching is dreaming. Dreaming is hope. Hope is to activate dream of students. Itis important to activate dream of students by themselves than they have a dreamsimply. Recently, they have a dream but do not almost achieve it, because thereis no opportunity that they can activate a dream in anywhere. I think that arole of teaching activate student’s effort for their dream. Through theinternet, I found people that failure works shift into success. For example, thereis James Cameron who is famous for a director and Gi Mun, Ban, the UN SecretaryGeneral. They have something in common. They had a good teacher who helps them activatetheir dreams. Teachers have to help students be able to have a dream and canactivate it. The best method is to get experience of success in school. Throughit, students are going to make efforts to activate their dream. If their dreamactivated continuously in school, all of them would success in their life.Eventually, teacher is to implant hopeful aim of dreaming.

To sum up then, teaching is to plant endless will of learning, to inculcate dedicated volition of sharing, and to implant hopeful aim of dreamingfor students. These three articles are connected and affected each other, becauseof teaching to activate them and teachers who have to help students be able to activatethem in their mind by themselves. In addition, teacher has to be a living modelof them. An old saying has that everybody of the world is my teacher. It ismeaning that teaching is not belonging to only teachers. But it is unchangeabletrue that teachers charge most of teaching. Therefore, a role of teacher isvery important for students. Precious things are very many in the world but Ithink that nothing is more valuable than teaching. Because of teaching to changeeverything into more perfectly, like this CCSET (Certificate Course forSecondary English Teacher).

And, teaching do not put a period in my life  

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