
You can make anything
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by 꽃뜰 Mar 25. 2022

Democrats and Republicans


매주 금요일 아침이면 난 시내 한 복판 백화점으로 향한다. 그곳의 문화센터에서 원어민에게 영어를 하기 때문이다. 옛날 회사 다닐 때 영어를 많이 썼지만 집에 들어앉으며 까맣게 잊히는 게 두려워 어떻게든 그 맥을 이어놓으려는 일환이기도 하다. 나처럼 영어 잊히는 게 두려운 엄마들이 모여서 영어로 수다를 떤다. 수다라기보다는 교재가 하나 있고 그 교재에 있는 주제로 토론을 하는 것이다. 코로나 때문에 10명 정원인데 6명이다. 나와 나이가 같은 대빵이 세명이고 26살, 41살, 42살이 함께 한다. 끝나고는 카페에서 못다 한 수다를 더 하고 헤어진다. 그런데 얼마나 들 열심인지 대학노트 서너 장에 아주 깨알같이 빽빽하게 수업 준비를 해온다. 난 설렁설렁 책에다 모르는 단어 찾아 놓는 것으로 수업 준비를 마쳤는데 다른 분들의 노트를 보니 이래서는 안 되겠다. 직접 펜으로 쓰는 건 아니지만 손가락으로라도 적어가자. 시간이 많이 걸리겠지만 그래도 그들의 준비에 비하면 아무것도 아니다. 시작이 반이라 하지 않던가. 그래. 하자. 파이팅.

Morgan, you're American, right?

Yes, I am. Why do you ask?

Well, I'm interested in American politics. I was just wondering if you can vote even though you live and work in Korea.

Yes, of course, I can vote by what's called an "absentee ballot."

Oh? Your local  voting office sends you a ballot by mail?

Yes, they do, and I always vote in the presidential election.

Are you from a red state or a blue state?

Neither. I am from Florida, which is a swing state. It sometimes votes Republican and sometimes Democratic.

If you don't mind me asking, who do you plan to vote for in the upcoming election?

I don't mind you asking, if you don't mind me not answering. It's top secret!

Haha. Okay. I see. Well good luck to your candidate.

absentee ballot 부재자 투표

swing state 미국 대통령 선거에서 경합주.

I don't want to be a referee in this dirty game!

Neither of them is observing the rules.

Everybody knows you lied about your emils. You are not qualified to be the President of the United States.

A liar is better than a womanizer! You are just a  dirty grandpa!  Drop out of the race immediately. You can always spend your time chasing skirts!

womanize 바람둥이

International observers of American politics are often confused about the differences between the two major political parties in the United States: the Democrats and the Republicans. Unless one studies the american political system and its parties thoroughly, it may be difficult to see exactly what the distinctions are. The history of the Republican Party begins with Abraham Lincoln , who served from 1861 to 1865. The party is currently identified with what is known as American conservatism. It supports free market capitalism, free enterprise, a strong business climate with limited regulation, a strong national defense, a limited size of government, restrictions on labor unions, opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage, and upholding of traditional moral values.

distinctions 차이, 특별함, 탁월함.

conservatism 보수주의

capitalism 자본주의

upholding 유지시키다. 옹호하다.

The Democratic Party was founded around 1828, making it the oldest active political party in the world. Its contemporary political viewpoint is known as modern liberalism. It promotes socially liberal ideals, including a strong dedication to social justice. Democrats typically support economic equality, welfare provisions for the poor and disadvantaged, labor unions, universal health care, equal opportunity, strong consumer protection, and strong environmental protection. If a voter is neither a Republican nor Democrat, they are an independent or a member of a miner political party, such as the Libertarian Party or Green Party.

 dedication 전념, 헌신.

The American presidential election is held in November every four years. The U.S. follows an 18th century electoral system in which the most important weight is placed on how individual states vote and not on the total popular vote nationwide. As a resule, in recent years, some states are known as "red states" because they always vote republican, and some states are known as "blue states" because they always vote  Democratic. That leaves about 11 states that are called "purple states' or "swing states"  The most important swing states are Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. The presidential candidate who wins two of those states is likely to become president.

What do you think?

1. Are you interested in American politics? How do you stay  informed about it?

Yes, I am. I informed about it through TV News.

2. If you had to choose an Amerian political party, would you be a Republican, Democrat, or independent?

I won't answer it because It's top secret. haha.

3. How many Republican presidents can you name? How many Democratic presidents?

Republican :

Abraham Lincoln

William McKinley

Theodore Roosevelt

Richard Nixon

Gerald Ford

George H. W. Bush

George W. Bush

Donald Trump


 Andrew Jackson

Martin Van Buren

Franklin Pierce

Woodrow Wilson

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harry S. Truman

John F. Kennedy

Lyndon B. Johnson

Jimmy Carter

Bill Clinton

Barack Obama

Joe Biden

4. Does your country have political parties similar to the Republicans and Democrats?

Yes, it does. It also has the Republicans and Democrats.

5. Some people think that all politicians are dishonest. Do you agree or disagree?

I disagree. It depends on the person. I think being dishonest is not because of politicians but because of their own personality. 

6. Do you always vote for president in your country? Why or why not?

Yes, I do. Because I have to keep our country in good way.

7. Which American politician do you view favorably? Which do you view negatively?

I like John F. Kennedy. I don't like Donald Trump.

(사진: 친구 H)
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