Verbos Mais Comuns
Most Common Verbs
구독하는 포어 채널이 대여섯개 된다.
놀랍도록 흥망성쇠가 뚜렷한 포어 배우기 열정 덕분에 포어 채널을 찾는 빈도도 마찬가지로 고저가 명확하다.
요새는 그나마 깔짝대는 횟수가 다시 많아지고 있는 추세이다.
그 중 portuguese with leo라는 채널이 있는데 건실 포르투갈 청년이 포어를 쉽게 가르쳐주는 영상이 주 컨텐츠이다.
포르투갈 지역 곳곳을 여행다니며 소개해주는 영상도 있어 언어 공부뿐 아니라 여행지도 틈틈이 볼 수 있다.
주 시청자가 포어를 처음 배우거나 중급 레벨이 도달한 사람들이기 때문에 다양한 주제를 다루기도 하고, 영어와 포어 자막을 달아줘서 본인 이해도에 맞게 자막 설정도 할 수 있다.
채널이 올라온 영상 중 하나는 포르투갈어의 어휘에 관한 것이었는데 수많은 어휘들 중 네이티브 포르투갈인들이 사용하는 갯수는 2000여개에 달한다고 한다.
그러므로 일주일에 50 내지는 100개에 달하는 단어들을 꾸준히 외우면 포어 달인의 경지에 쉽게 오를 수 있다는 것이 레오의 주장이었다.
과연 그럴까요, 포르투갈 사람 레오씨?
그건 원어민의 입에서 나올 수 있는 가장 오만하고 자만심이 그득한 발언이 아닐런지요?
일말의 양심이 남아있던 레오씨는 단어 목록을 올려주었는데 웹사이트에 기재된 목록들은 동사, 형용사, 명사 등으로 분류되어 있었다.
그 중 동사 부문에는 다음과 같이 270여개가 있었으니 상업적 목적 외의 다운로드를 허용하는 레오씨의 홍익인간 정신을 받들어 브런치에 기재하고자 한다.
이 단어들 중 이미 아는 것은 체크 표시를 하고 최대한 여러 번 반복해 숙지한 후, 실제로 장기간 기억할 수 있도록 공부하려고 한다.
모든 공은 레오씨에게 가야할 정도로 무자비한 퍼가요~^^* 임에도 불구하고 이 양을 소화할 수 있을 것인가, 궁극적 의문은 바로 그것이다.
동사원형을 외우는데다 인칭별 동사변화를 외우는 것도 중요하지 않겠냐마는 천리길도 한걸음부터 아니겠습니까.
저는 일단 보이는대로 머릿속에 주워담는 걸로 한 걸음 나아가보겠습니다, 허허.
ser - to be
ter - to have
estar - to be
poder - to be able to
fazer - to do / to make
ir - to go
haver - to be / to exist / to have (normally only used in the 3rd person)
dizer - to say
dar - to give
ver - to see
saber - to know
querer - to want
ficar - to stay / to remain
dever - to have to / to owe
passar - to pass / to spend (time)
vir - to come
chegar - to arrive / to reach / to suffice
falar - to speak / to talk
deixar - to leave / to let
encontrar - to find / to meet
levar - to take / to carry / to lead
começar - to start / to begin
partir - to leave / to depart / to break
pensar - to think
parecer - to seem
apresentar - to present / to introduce
olhar - to look
tornar - to become
sair - to exit
voltar - to go back / to return
conseguir - to able to / to get
achar - to find / to think
existir - to exist
sentir - to feel / to sense
entrar - to enter / to go in
chamar - to call
conhecer - to know / to meet (for the first time)
considerar - to consider / to regard
pôr - to put / to place / to set
continuar - to continue / to carry on
viver - to live
ouvir - to hear / to listen
tomar - to take
acabar - to end / to finish
receber - to receive
perder - to lose
andar - to walk
trabalhar - to work
criar - to create / to raise
pedir - to ask
seguir - to follow
contar - to count / to tell (a tale)
acontecer - to happen
afirmar - to say / to state / to affirm
tratar - to treat / to handle
esperar - to wait
gostar - to like
usar - to use
manter - to maintain / to keep
realizar - to perform / to carry out / to direct (in cinema)
abrir - to open
escrever - to write
permitir - to allow / to enable / to permit
ocorrer - to happen / to occur
mostrar - to show
lembrar - to remember / to remind
trazer - to bring
procurar - to search / to look for
morrer - to die
tentar - to try
formar - to form / to make
aparecer - to appear / to show up
incluir - to include
cair - to fall
correr - to run / to jog
ganhar - to win / to gain
surgir - to arise / to emerge
nascer - to be born
pagar - to pay
representar - to represent / to act (in cinema and theatre)
entender - to understand
produzir - to produce
ler - to read
precisar - to need
perguntar - to ask
constituir - to constitute
colocar - to place / to put
possuir - to possess
servir - to serve
tirar - to remove / to take
responder - to answer / to respond / to reply
obter - to obtain / to get
desenvolver - to develop
explicar - to explain
descobrir - to discover / to find out
acreditar - to believe
levantar - to raise / to lift
mandar - to send / to boss
estudar - to study
atingir - to hit / to reach
sofrer - to suffer
parar - to stop
bater - to hit / to knock / to beat
decidir - to decide
referir - to refer / to mention
fechar - to close
aumentar - to increase / to raise
acompanhar - to accompany
defender - to defend
lançar - to launch
mudar - to change / to move
resolver - to solve
participar - to participate
subir - to climb / to go up
utilizar - to utilize / to use
provocar - to provoke / to cause
compreender - to understand
estabelecer - to establish
pretender - to intend to
iniciar - to start / to begin
perceber - to understand
garantir - to ensure / to guarantee
comer - to eat
vender - to sell
observar - to observe
comprar - to buy
aceitar - to accept
resultar - to result
reconhecer - to recognize / to acknowledge
sentar - to sit
marcar - to mark / to score
construir - to build
crescer - to grow
publicar - to publish
ajudar - to help
assumir - to take over / to assume
revelar - to reveal / to disclose
prever - to foresee
ocupar - to occupy / to take up
oferecer - to offer
esquecer - to forget
tocar - to touch / to play (an instrument)
envolver - to involve
matar - to kill
fugir - to escape / to flee
indicar - to indicate
valer - to be worth
terminar - to end / to finish
jogar - to play
conter - to contain
definir - to define
rir - to laugh
escolher - to choose
destacar - to highlight / to emphasize
reunir - to gather / to meet / to reunite
descer - to descend / to go down
dormir - to sleep
causar - to cause
evitar - to avoid
determinar - to determine
anunciar - to announce
exigir - to demand
transformar - to transform
vencer - to win / to beat
faltar - to miss / to lack
entregar - to deliver / to hand in
casar - to marry
pegar - to take / to grab
eleger - to elect
julgar - to judge
permanecer - to remain / to stay
apontar - to point / to aim
virar - to turn / to flip
concluir - to conclude
significar - to mean / to signify
depender - to depend
repetir - to repeat
abandonar - to abandon
obrigar - to force
preparar - to prepare
aplicar - to apply
reduzir - to reduce
pertencer - to belong
funcionar - to function / to work
retirar - to remove
meter - to put / to insert
verificar - to check / to verify
estender - to extend
acrescentar - to add
desejar - to wish / to desire
dividir - to divide
buscar - to get / to fetch
cumprir - to fulfill
aproximar - to approach
sorrir - to smile
imaginar - to imagine / to picture
discutir - to argue / to discuss
apoiar - to support
gerar - to generate
cantar - to sing
afastar - to keep away
admitir - to admit
fixar - to set / to establish
dispor - to have
chorar - to cry / to weep
erguer - to rise / to lift
preferir - to prefer
aproveitar - to enjoy / to take advantage of
gritar - to scream
promover - to promote
integrar - to integrate
atravessar - to cross
alcançar - to reach
propor - to propose
informar - to inform
atribuir - to assign / to allocate
aprender - to learn
deitar - to lay down
cortar - to cut
enviar - to send
morar - to live / to inhabit
acusar - to accuse
impedir - to prevent / to stop
desaparecer - to disappear / to vanish
avançar - to advance
custar - to cost
amar - to love
interessar - to interest / to matter
exercer - to carry out / to practice / to exert
dedicar - to dedicate
assistir - to attend / to watch
cobrir - to cover
compor - to compose
conduzir - to drive
consistir - to consist
substituir - to substitute
descrever - to describe
analisar - to analyze
confirmar - to confirm
completar - to complete
regressar - to return
bastar - to be enough / to suffice
prometer - to promise
adquirir - to acquire
baixar - to lower
conversar - to talk / to converse
demonstrar - to demonstrate
contribuir - to contribute
corresponder - to correspond
importar - to matter
identificar - to identify
jantar - to dine / to have dinner
pesar - to weigh
prestar - to provide
apanhar - to catch
ligar - to connect / to turn on / to call (on the phone)
atirar - to throw
caracterizar - to characterize
enfrentar - to face
declarar - to declare
notar - to note
citar - to quote / to cite
alimentar - to feed
fornecer - to supply
guardar - to save / to keep
conquistar - to conquer
caber - to fit
beber - to drink
designar - to designate
juntar - to join / to gather