
You can make anything
by writing


by 마그리뜨 Oct 29. 2023

회사에 칼바람이 분다

layoff [source: money control]

chaos. confusing times.

I've been in industry for almost a decade, and I hadn't been part of a massive organization up until recently. This is first time going through serious reorganization. Tech went through layoff earlier this year. Upper management (directors and up) was given an opportunity to voluntarily resign with a package, jobs are eliminated and... there are people leaving for various reasons: new job, culture, boss, burn out, family, etc. It is always changing, but the volatiliy is at its highest in October 2023. Early this year they repatriated funds from projects and we stopped receiving door dash cards for lunch. The company brought people back to the office from their home.

The rumor turned out to be true. 2 directors, 1 senior manager, 1 staff are leaving next quarter, and many contractors will be leaving by end of the year. That's 3 direct reports of the VP in my extended team. The company is keeping them through holidays and offering them 3 months to prepare for their next endeavors. 

As functions merge, transform and evolve, more organization change is expected to come. Change is also opportunities for those who remain. During the past reorg, my manager's job was eliminated, he was offered with the opportunity to move to a different state if he wants a job and became part of new function. He's been thriving ever since. Job cut and cost saving is complete. so what's next?

Best wishs to family, friends, colleagues and readers during the time of turbulance,


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