
You can make anything
by writing


by James Hur Feb 03. 2023

[Book] Steal like an artist

I finished an audio book <steel like an artist> by Austin Kleon. This book is certainly fun, easy to read, and inspiring. It turns my wishes into actions. And writing this essay about one of the lessons in this book is my first action.

Lesson: It's not about what you know. It’s about what you like.

What do I like? I like reading, analyzing, discussing, and building. Areas of my current interest are AgeTech, digital health, and healthcare AI. AgeTech is digital technology that’s built around the needs and wants of the senior population (65 or older). AI technologies and IoT sensors are adopted for people to better manage their conditions and treatment plans, stay safe, and stay healthy. Ambient and continuous sensing, data analytics, and prediction technologies are the motors, driving innovations in this area. High costs, privacy concerns, and slow market penetration are challenges for market growth, although the CAGR in the next 5–10 years is 20–30%, which is quite impressive.


Next, how do I steal like an artist for what I like? How can I maintain my flow while working on my stock in the background? I thought about a few potential huddles based on who I am. They include: 1) fluctuating flow due to the pressure from my primary job; 2) failing at prioritization of my to-do list, resulting in delaying progress on important ones (like, pushing all together and slowing down my progress overall); and 3) being wasted by unproductive chats about nonproductive stuffs (e.g, unstable economy, financial vulnerability, and so forth). 


My strategies for the first two huddles are: 1) revisiting my flow and updating it to be more feasible and achievable; 2) time-boxing less important tasks; and 3) using my calendar to schedule full focus hours for prioritized tasks. For the final huddle, my strategy is nothing special. Shut up and execute. Plan and execute, and don’t get stressed out. Just do what I’m supposed to do.

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