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The Originals by Adam Grant.
Another famous book by a famous author.
The subtitle is "How Non-Conformists Move the World".
I actually prefer Adam Grant's Think Again, but I wanted to write about Originals today.
We get a lot of lethargic adolescents referred to us for counseling these days, and it's not uncommon for them to be kids who don't do well academically by public education standards and then fall into lethargy through adolescence.
These kids have a lot going for them, but as they spend their time trying to fulfill the basic requirements of public education, they end up with low self-confidence and self-esteem, and they end up with a big body and a faded sense of purpose.
It's frustrating for parents to see this. While others are running hard, your child is not studying hard, conversations are breaking down, and all you can do is nag them.
Parents who contact us with a deep sigh must feel their hearts are heavier than any stone in the world.
So what does Adam Grant's Originals have to say to parents who are faced with such a teenager?
Luckily, the book has some great suggestions.
A call to action for parents and teachers
Ask children what they would do if they were role models
Associate desirable behavior with moral character
Explain how bad behavior affects others
Emphasize values, not rules
Create novel enemies for children to target
As I read this section, I thought it was a pretty good guide for teachers who are truly interested in education, and it might just be "nice to have" for parents who are faced with a child's difficulties right now.
When I'm faced with a disappointed and apologetic parent, what I say is not as complicated as it is in this book.
I tell them that their child needs support, encouragement, and explanations, and that this is obviously not going to work out...
Then I ask them to find a picture of their child when they were born, when they first craned their neck and took their first steps...
I ask them to remember the excitement, the impatience, the innocent smiles as they accomplished small challenges.
If you remember the overwhelming love you had for your child, you will see the child you had, rejoicing in his or her growth, rather than the child who is now judged by the school and society as an embarrassment...
If we can start over, we can rebuild the relationship between parent and child, and encourage them from the heart.
You'll also be more receptive to the wonderful theories and practices in Adam Grant's Originals.
If you look at the cover of Originals, you'll see a circular shape that looks like a mix of colors. The individuality and creativity to keep each color separate, even in a multicolored environment, rather than producing a black, blended result. I personally interpret this as the author's intention.