
You can make anything
by writing


by 구현모 May 18. 2016

0517 오늘 본 글



“The bigger question,” he said, “is what the problem that the Times solves for people is supposed to be, and whether it helps people be part of communities that they want to or need to be part of.Reading the New York Times is part of being a certain kind of person in the US. Itis less clear that the Times occupies a similar position with its target audiences” around the world.

해외로 나간다. 뉴욕타임즈는 이코노미스트, 파이낸셜타임즈와 다른 자신들만의 독자를 파악했고, 그 독자가 뉴욕타임즈를 읽으면서 무엇을 원하는지 상정했다. 그에 따라 콘텐츠를 기획. 문제는 어떻게 로컬라이징할지. 뉴욕타임즈는 어쨌거나 미국 신문. 미국의 문제를 해결하기 위해 읽혀지는 신문인데, 이를 어떻게 세계로 이끌지 -> 주제를 전세계적 소재로 예를 들어 도시문제, 기후변화, 성평등 등등

독자는 우리 매체에 무엇을 바라며, 이것을 왜 읽을 것인가. 우리는 독자에게 어떤 변화를 줄 것인가? 끊임없이 고민.


Capitol Hill publications like The Hill, Roll Call and National Journal were for decades a Beltway staple, strewn across desks on K Street and in Congress. With a captive audience and a strong advertising base, they were protected from broader economic forces and less concerned about competition from more nationally focused newspapers.
At The Hill, Mr. Zimmerman, the senior director for audience and strategy, said his goal is to emulate the attitude and approach of sites like Gawker and BuzzFeed without distorting what he calls The Hill’s distinct voice. He has filled a handful of new positions, including a director of emerging platforms, who is exploring ways to use Snapchat and Facebook Live to share its content.

시대의 변화에 따른 끊임없는 자기 반성 및 재정의\


Google confirmed last year that more searches come from mobile devices than computers in 10 countries, including the United States. Over the holiday season, Amazon said more than 60 percent of shoppers used mobile. And Wikipedia, which recently revamped the way it tracks site traffic, says it’s getting more mobile than desktop visits to its English language site.

스마트폰이 인터넷을 장악. 인터넷 없는 콘텐츠는 없다. 스마트폰 등 기타 매체는 어떻게 인터넷을 이길 것인지 고민해야. 인터넷을 제공하는 도구들을 뛰어넘는 UX를 어떻게 줄까?


Facebook will get an unspecified cut of the revenue. Typically, the company takes a roughly 30% share of revenue in its audience network—where it also sells display advertising—and gives the rest to publishers, according to people familiar with the matter. Publishers can also opt to include the video ads alongside content on Facebook’s Instant Articles feature, where media companies publish articles instead of linking back to their sites.
Advertisers will only be able to target video ads based on the audience they’re trying to reach; they won’t be able to direct their ads to specific sites or types of content. Advertisers can opt to pay for video ads only when they are viewed for at least 10 seconds. That option comes at a premium.
The “in-stream” ads themselves will be between 10 and 30 seconds long, Facebook said, and will appear before, during, or after video content on publishers’ websites and apps, when viewed from mobile and desktop devices.
The in-article versions will appear between paragraphs on publishers’ pages, and will play automatically when at least half of their pixels are viewable on users’ screens.

짤 광고가 아니라 영상 광고. 기사 중간에 영상광고가 실리거나, 영상 중간 혹은 시작 전에 광고가 달리거나. 광고에서도 영상. 영사.ㅇ 영ㅇ상.


The faster you can get people to news that’s relevant to them, the more they’ll read, and the more they read, the better the chances they’ll continue to subscribe. So the FT, like other publishers, has been combing its site for code that slows down the load time, risking impatient readers abandoning the site, getting rid of code in some cases and building its own with speed in mind.
Again, attracting and retaining subscribers is critical to the FT’s business, which is why the FT has a 30-person data team focused on consumer research. “Selling them on the benefits is kind of an upsell thing,” McCarthy said. “More broadly, our entire model rests on getting people engaged and getting enough value from their subscription to make sure they renew their subscription.” So future readers can expect to see more messages reminding them what they can get from their subscription or pitching them an upgrade.

모든 건 UX를 위해. 속도가 빠르면 사람들은 더 많이 읽고, 더 읽을 확률이 높다. 사람을 많이 모아 콘텐츠 마케팅

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