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브라운 대학의 코로나로 인한 SAT 정책

금년입시에서 SAT-ACT 점수 제출은 선택이다

브라운 대학이 발표한 SAT 옵셔널 정책입니다. 

원문으로 올리니 참고 바랍니다. 굵은 글씨의 내용이 핵심입니다.

금년 입시에서 SAT-ACT 점수를 내지 않아도 된다는 것이지요. 테스트 옵셔널 정책이라는 점을 밝히고 있습니다

As COVID-19 continues to impact students and families around the world, it has become clear that adjustments needed to be made to our policy regarding standardized testing this year. With the recent announcement that there will not be an at-home SAT offered this fall, and the ability to register for in-person testing significantly limited, we know that students are facing particularly great challenges in regions that have already been disproportionately affected by the global pandemic. While we cannot change the realities of these unprecedented circumstances, we can change our admission policy to address the challenges with which we are confronted. For first-year applicants in the 2020-21 admission cycle, Brown is now test optional. 

This year has been one of upheaval and uncertainty, and we hope that adopting a test optional policy for the 2020-21 admission cycle will better enable students to prioritize their health and well-being, and that of their families, as the summer and fall continue to unfold. While the applications that students submit this year will undoubtedly look different than in years past, we remain committed to a thoughtful and thorough holistic review process.

For more detail regarding our test optional policy for 2020-21, please see our dedicated FAQ.

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