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에모리 대학, 성적 우수 장학금 안내 <4>

재정보조는 연 소득 10만달러 미만 가정 대상
성적 우수 장학생도 별도 선발 ... 175-200명 선발
성적 장학금도 별도 신청해야

에모리 대학이 주는 재정보조는 대부분 need based grant다. 즉 가정의 경제 상황에 따라 주는 보조금이다. 이것은 성적 우수 장학금과는 분명히 다르다. 이는 경제상황에 따라 주는 보조금, 근로장학금 그리고 론으로 구성된다. 보조금은 다시 상환할 필요가 없는 지원금이다. 

에모리 재정보조(Emory Advantage)는 연간 총소득이 10만 달러 이하인 가정으로, 재정적 원조의 필요성을 입증하는 가정을 위해 고안되었다. 그것은 학생들에게 빚을 거의 내지 않고 졸업할 수 있는 기회를 주고, 졸업 후 계획을 제한할 수 있는 재정적 부담을 덜어준다. 국제학생들은 need aware라 재정보조를 신청할 경우 합격에 영향을 미친다.

또한 에모리 대학에는 성적 우수 장학금도 있다. 즉 merit based scholarship이다. 이에 대해서는 원문으로 제공한다. 아래 내용들을 읽어보기 바란다.

We offer merit-based aid—awarded on the basis of individual achievement—to incoming first-year students.

Emory University offers partial to full merit-based scholarships as part of the Emory University Scholar Programs. Scholar programs are more than just merit scholarships. They empower students through resources and support to reach their full potential and make an impact on the university, Atlanta, and the world beyond.


At Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Woodruff Scholars offers merit scholarships, unique programming, a strong Scholars community, and early class registration, among many great benefits.


Oxford College Woodruff Scholars offers merit scholarships and personalized faculty mentoring. Your scholarship goes with you to the Atlanta campus in your junior year.


Goizueta Scholars are guaranteed admission to the business school, have priority access to business classes, are advised by the dean of the business school, and join a close-knit Scholars community.

■ 어떻게 지원하나?

To be considered for any and all scholar programs, you must select one of the three admission decision plans (Early Decision I, Early Decision II, or Regular Decision) and submit all required application materials by November 15. (Those applying Early Decision I must apply by November 1.)

You also must answer "yes" to the question on your application that says, "Do you wish to be considered for merit scholarships?" 

■ 장학생 선발 과정

The selection for merit-based scholar programs is administered by the Office of Admission in partnership with esteemed faculty.

Roughly 8,000-10,000 students apply to be Scholars each year. Out of that, 175–200 students are selected as Scholar Finalists. Finalists are required to attend an on-campus Scholars Finalists Visit held in the spring. Finalists are brought to campus at no expense to the student.

Taking place over several days, the visit includes activities and interviews designed to help finalists become better acquainted with Emory University and the distinct opportunities available for them here.

Applicants who are not selected as finalists for a program are still fully reviewed for admission under their selected application plan and will also automatically be considered for other smaller merit-based scholarships.

The Scholar selection process is completely separate from the financial aid process. When a student is eligible for both merit scholarships and financial aid, merit scholarships are awarded first. Students who applied for financial aid may also be eligible for need-based grants and loans if there is remaining need beyond the merit scholarship award.

■ 장학생 프로그램 데드라인


Emory University Scholar Programs application deadline. (Early Decision I applicants should apply by November 1.)


Applications reviewed by admission and faculty committees.


Scholar Finalists are chosen and notified.


Finalists visit campus. Scholar programs membership announced.


Enrollment deposit deadline.

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