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유펜, 금년도 얼리 디시전 얼마나 힘들었을까?

얼리 디시전 합격률 16%
총 7795명 지원, 1218명 합격, 전체 정원의 51% 얼리에서 선발
합격자 중 국제학생 12%, 총 60개 국가 학생
합격자중 53%가 여학생
각 주별 합격자수 펜실베이니아 (198명), 뉴욕 (141명), 뉴저지 (136명), 加州 (130명), 메일랜드(45명 )
합격자 중간 SAT, ACT 점수 1500-1560 on the SAT and 34-35 on the ACT.

The University of Pennsylvania received 7,795 applications under the first-choice Early Decision Program for the entering Class of 2026. From this group of highly talented and compelling students from around the globe, 1218 students were offered admission, approximately 51% of the expected enrolling class in the fall of 2022.

Nationally, 42 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and American Samoa are represented in the class with the highest concentration of admitted students from Pennsylvania (198), New York (141), New Jersey (136), California (130), and Maryland (45). Seventy-one students reside in the city of Philadelphia.

12% of the class are international students based on their citizenship, hailing from 60 countries from Albania to Zambia.

53% percent of the admitted students are female, 52% of the admitted students are U.S. Citizens/Permanent Residents self-identifying as a person of color, and 14% are first-generation college students. At least 13% are estimated to qualify for a Federal Pell grant.

Admitted students have pursued a most demanding secondary school curriculum in a range of educational settings. The University of Pennsylvania extended its test-optional policy with regard to standardized tests for the 2021-2022 application cycle. For the admitted students who included testing in their applications, the middle 50% testing ranges are 1500-1560 on the SAT and 34-35 on the ACT.

Whitney Soule, Vice Provost and Dean of Admissions, notes, “We can’t wait for these inquisitive, motivated and caring students to join our campus community and to meet each other. Our admitted students demonstrated many of the values central to the Penn community—intellectual curiosity, collaboration, adaptability, and care for others.”

The University of Pennsylvania enrolls a first-year class of 2,400 students across the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the Wharton School, and the School of Nursing. Applications for Regular Decision may be submitted via the Common Application or the Coalition Application by January 5, 2022.

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매거진의 이전글 힘들었던 2022학년도 예일대 얼리, 합격률 10.9%
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