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외국 정부가 주는 국제학생 장학금

미래교육연구소는 그동안 각 대학들이 주는 재정보조/학자금 보조에 대한 많은 정보를 제공했다.

오늘은 국제학생들에게 외국 정부 차원에서 제공하는 '메릿장학금'을 본다. 미국의 경우 플브라이트 장학금이 있고, 영국의 경우 세브닝 장학금이 있다.

다만 이 장학금들의 경우 학부 학생이 아닌 대학원생 혹은 전문가 그룹에 주는 경우가 많다. 따라서 그 대상들을 꼼꼼하게 살펴야 한다. 이외에 각 대학들이 국제학생들에게 주는 '메릿 장학금'이있다. 이에 대해서는 시간이 나는대로 정보를 올릴 예정이다.

메릿장학금은 학자금 보조처럼 신청을 하지 않아도 자동으로 심사를 해서 주게 되는 것이 특징이다. 또한 일정 성적 이상을 갖추거나 일정 자격을 갖추어야 하는 등의 조건이 있다.

Merit-based Scholarships offered by Foreign Governments »

Fulbright Foreign Student Program (USA)

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals, and artists from abroad to research and study in the United States for one year or longer at U.S. universities or other appropriate institutions. The Fulbright program provides funding for the duration of the study including tuition, textbooks, airfare, a living stipend, and health insurance.

Chevening Scholarships (UK)

Chevening Scholarships are the UK government’s global scholarship programme which offers awards to outstanding scholars with leadership potential from around the world to study postgraduate courses at universities in the UK. Most Chevening Scholarships cover: tuition fees; a living allowance at a set rate (for one individual); an economy class return airfare to the UK; additional grants to cover essential expenditure. Some Scholarships cover part of the cost of studying in the UK; for example, tuition fees only or allowances only.

Endeavour Postgraduate Awards (Australia)

The Endeavour Postgraduate Awards provide full financial support for international students to undertake a postgraduate qualification at a Masters (up to 2 years) or PhD level (up to 4 years) either by coursework or research in any field of study in Australia. The scholarships include tuition fees, travel allowance, establishment allowance, monthly stipend, health and travel insurance.

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Canada)

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) was created to attract and retain world-class doctoral students and to establish Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and higher learning. The scholarships are towards a doctoral degree (or combined MA/PhD or MD/PhD) at participating Canadian Universities. The scholarship is worth $50,000 per year for three years.

Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme (France)

The Eiffel scholarship program was developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a tool to allow French higher education institutions to attract the best foreign students for Master’s and PhD degree programs. Eiffel scholarship-holders receive a monthly allowance and other expenses such as return trip, social security cover, and cultural activities. It does not cover tuition fees.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships (Switzerland)

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships provide graduates from all fields with the opportunity to pursue doctoral or postdoctoral research at one of the public funded university or recognized institution in Switzerland. The scholarship covers a monthly allowance, tuition fees, health insurance, lodging allowance, etc.

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매거진의 이전글 에모리 대학의 국제학생 장학금/재정보조
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