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각국 명문 대학들이 제공하는 국제학생/유학생 장학금

오늘은 미국 외 다른 나라, 즉 영국, 오스트리아, 네덜란드, 프랑스, 스위스 소재 대학들이 제공하는 국제학생 재정보조에 대해 자료를 올린다.이 나라들은 미국과 달리 가정 형편에따른 학자금 보조/재정보조를 주지 않는다. 미국 대학의 Financial aid와 그 성격이 다르다. 이 나라들은 오직 메릿 스칼라십만 있다.

가난한 학생은 이 나라에 유학을 가기 어렵다. 오직 공부를 잘 하는 학생만 가능하다. 또한 그 대상이 학부학생이 아닌 대학원 학생이 거의 대부분이다. 또한 그 수가 많지 않다. 미국 대학들의 경우 유학을 하는 국제 학생 상당수, 물론 가난한 학생들이 재정보조를 받지만 각국의 대학들이 제공하는 메릿 스칼라십의 대상자는 극히 제한돼 있다.

예를 들어 영국 케임브리지 대학이 주는 게이츠 케임브리지 장학금 대학원생에게만 주고 1명에게 주지만 학비와 항공료와 입국 비자비용까지 지불을 한다. 그야말로 전액을 주는 것이다. 

Merit-based Scholarships offered by Global Universities »

Gates Cambridge Scholarships (UK)

Gates Cambridge Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. The scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge, namely the University Composition Fee and College fees at the appropriate rate, a maintenance allowance for a single student, one economy single airfare at both the beginning and end of the course, and inbound visa costs.

Rhodes Scholarships (UK)

Established in the will of Cecil Rhodes in 1902, the Rhodes is the oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international scholarship program in the world. The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards that supports exceptional international students from selected countries at the University of Oxford. A Rhodes Scholarship covers all university fees, personal stipend, health insurance, and airfare to and from the student’s home country.

Clarendon Scholarships at University of Oxford (UK)

The Clarendon Fund is a major graduate scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford and are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and potential across all degree-bearing subjects at graduate level at the University of Oxford. The scholarships cover tuition and college fees in full and a generous grant for living expenses.

Nottingham Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship for Research Excellence (UK)

The University of Nottingham offers scholarships for outstanding international students who wish to pursue a PhD or MPhil research programme at the University. The scholarship covers full tuition fees.

Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships (Australia) 

The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship provides a partial tuition fee scholarship for outstanding students to study an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at Macquarie University North Ryde campus. The scholarship amount is varied up to AUD$10,000.

Adelaide Scholarships International (Australia)

The University of Adelaide offers the Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) program to attract high quality international postgraduate students to areas of research strength in the University of Adelaide to support its research effort. The scholarships includes course tuition fees, annual living allowance, and health insurance.

University of Maastricht Scholarships for High Potential International Students (Netherlands)

University of Maastricht High Potential Scholarships are made available to talented students from outside the EU/EEA to follow a Master’s programme at Maastricht University. The scholarships cover tuition fee, living expenses per month, insurance, and visa costs.

Leiden University Excellence Scholarships for International Students (Netherlands)

The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Programme (LExS) is open to outstanding Non-EU/EEA students enrolling in a master’s degree programme offered at Leiden University. The scholarships come in the form of the following: €10,000 of the tuition fee, €15,000 of the tuition fee, or total tuition fee minus the home fee.

Utrecht University Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)

The Utrecht Excellence Scholarship offers a number of outstanding prospective students the opportunity to pursue a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a selected number of fields at Utrecht University. The scholarship can be awarded as tuition fees OR tuition fees plus 11.000 euro living expenses.

Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)

The Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES) awards scholarships to exceptionally talented students from outside the EU to pursue eligible Master’s Programmes offered at the University of Amsterdam. The AES is a full scholarship of €25,000 covering tuition and living expenses.

TU Delft Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)

The Delft University of Technology offers the Justus & Louise van Effen scholarship which aims to financially support excellent international MSc students wishing to study at TU Delft. The scholarship covers the tuition fees and monthly allowance for living expenses.

ENS International Selection Scholarships (France)

Each year, the ENS organizes an international selection allowing the most promising international students, either in Science or in Humanities, to follow a two or three-year course at the ENS. Scholars receive a monthly stipend of approximately 1,000 Euros and a room on one of the ENS campuses.

ETH Excellence Scholarships (Switzerland)

ETH Zurich supports excellent students wishing to pursue a Master’s degree at ETH with two scholarship programmes: the Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) and the Master Scholarship Programme (MSP). The Excellence Scholarship consists of a grant covering living and study expenses (CHF 11,000 per semester) as well as a tuition fee waiver. The Master Scholarship Programme consists of a partial stipend for living and study expenses (CHF 6,000 per semester) as well as a tuition fee waiver.

University of Geneva Excellence Master Fellowships (Switzerland)

The Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva offers scholarships for outstanding students from any university who wish to pursue a Masters of Science Programme offered by the Faculty of Science. The Excellence Fellowship consists of a grant amounting to CHF 10,000 to CHF 15,000 per year.

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매거진의 이전글 외국 정부가 주는 국제학생 장학금
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