
You can make anything
by writing


by Jose Dec 09. 2023

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유료 구독을 하면서 4.0 버전을 쓰고 있습니다. 작업을 한참하다가 머리도 식힐 겸 머리에 떠오르는 상념들을 영어로 잠깐 끄적여봤습니다.

"Embrace boredom."  

The other day I happened to see the quote and it's haunted me ever since. Whenever I feel bored, I've consumed podcasts, Youtube videos, or articles in wanting to spend my time to the fullest: being productive and learning something. But just recently, I came to realize that have made my brain work tirelessly and it hasn't helped as much as it should have, or it's even kept me from being productive. 

The society demonize boredom, telling people, “It is a sin to feel bored. You should do something, something productive, or you’ll be less competitive and get left behind.”  

However, this creed turns people squirrel in a wheel, doing something endlessly and tirelessly, and yet still continuously be in anxiety. Boredom matters. Brain needs rest. Mind needs rest. They allow us to clear our canvas so we can paint something new. Don’t be a prisoner of productivity. We should appreciate silence and should befriend it, not scared by it. is there any grammatical error?

그리고 심심해서 ChatGPT에게 물어봤습니다. 혹시 고칠 곳이 있는지.

돌아온 대답.

Your passage is thoughtful and largely well-written, but there are a few grammatical and stylistic areas that could be improved for clarity and flow:  

    "I've consumed podcasts, Youtube videos, or articles in wanting to spend my time to the fullest" - This sentence could be rephrased for clarity. Consider: "I've consumed podcasts, YouTube videos, and articles, seeking to spend my time productively and learn something new."  

    "But just recently, I came to realize that have made my brain work tirelessly" - There's a missing subject in this sentence. It should be: "But just recently, I came to realize that this has made my brain work tirelessly."  

    "The society demonize boredom" - "Society" is a singular noun, so it should be "Society demonizes boredom," or you could use "societies" and keep "demonize."  

    "telling people, 'It is a sin to feel bored'" - The quotation marks here are a bit confusing. It would be clearer to say: "telling people that feeling bored is a sin."  

    "this creed turns people squirrel in a wheel" - The metaphor is a bit mixed here. A clearer version might be: "this creed turns people into squirrels in a wheel."  

    "doing something endlessly and tirelessly, and yet still continuously be in anxiety" - To maintain tense consistency and clarity, consider: "doing something endlessly and tirelessly, yet still being continuously anxious."  

    "Boredom matters. Brain needs rest. Mind needs rest." - It would be grammatically correct to say "The brain needs rest. The mind needs rest," as "brain" and "mind" are singular nouns.  

    "They allow us to clear our canvas so we can paint something new." - This sentence is clear, but for a more direct metaphor, consider: "This allows us to clear our mental canvas, enabling us to create afresh."  

    "Don’t be a prisoner of productivity." - This sentence is clear and effective.  

    "We should appreciate silence and should befriend it, not scared by it." - For better flow, consider: "We should appreciate and befriend silence, not be scared of it."  

These edits should help enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your thoughtful reflections on boredom and productivity.

물론 다시 한번 차분히 봤으면 몇몇 간단한 문법 오류는 내가 찾아서 수정할 수도 있었겠지만 그외의 것들까지 알려주는 게 참 세상 좋아졌다는 생각이 듭니다. 한편으로는 단 1초( 길어야 3초 )만에 문법은 물론 문맥에 맞는 추천 표현까지 대답해준다는 게 소름 끼치기도 했습니다. 멀티모달 모델인 4.0의 더 광범위하고 깊은 기능들에 비교하면 사실 이런 과제는 유아 수준이기는 하지만 ChatGPT는 쓸 때마다 놀라움을 주곤 합니다( 물론 헛소리를 할 떄도 있지만 ).

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