
You can make anything
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by Kalsavina Jan 04. 2024

86. Their misconsideration

witch kal's theme essay

their misconsideration

Look at this misprinted South-Korea flag. Is this simple mistake? or  metaphor about reality?

Honestly, I don't think French broadcasting officials are stupid. I think they are conveying in this way that they are considering the annexation of South Korea and Japan - to be more precise, Japan's annexation of South Korea - in order to keep China in check. In that case, I am sorry, but I can only say that the street number was incorrect. The exact street number is not Japan, but the flag right next to it, namely North Korea. In order to properly keep China in check, we must persuade North Korea to adopt a market economic policy by any means necessary. The reason why military force should not be mobilized here is because it should not unnecessarily provoke China or give China a reason to intervene. Herein lies the core of a clear issue that Europe must clearly recognize. 1) Cooperation between Korea, the United States, and Japan will help sustain the Cold War in Northeast Asia and world war, but it will not benefit Europe at all. It is only expected that China's hegemony will have a negative impact on Europe. Immediately suspect the mastermind behind the prolongation of the war in Ukraine. 2) At the time of discharging Fukushima contaminated water, Japan has no justification or right to exert influence on the international community.

In the long term, unless South Korea and North Korea are strategically integrated, there is virtually no means to check China's Sino-Chinese hegemony. If China cannot be kept in check, the damage will eventually spread to Europe. I am not an idealist, and I do not believe that peace can be maintained through sentimental tears or moral appeals. Peace can be maintained only when certain countries are prevented from excessively increasing their power. It was a role that the United States was naturally supposed to play, but the United States had already proven that it was powerless to carry out the duties of a police state on its own. Wars in which the United States is involved never stop. A ceasefire is not the end of the war.

매거진의 이전글 85. 그들의 오판 (한글 원문)
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