
매거진 CBBC

You can make anything
by writing


by 이주리 Jan 03. 2016

My Pet and Me

Series 2: 9. Community Farm

기획의도 : Series showing children what it really means to have a pet.

Series showing children what it really means to have a pet.

Rory heads to a community farm to meet some children. They love spending time there with all the different animals. With the help of Jack, they even get to clean out the pigsty! As a final treat, Rory and the children go for a tractor ride all around the farm.

00:00 ~ rory and introduciton

00:20 ~ my pet and me 주제곡(my pet, my pet and me)

01:11~          오늘의 친구 소개, 커뮤니티팜 돌아보기(jake and lilly visitied lots of time)- 동물이 없다면 가라!

03: 10 facts about community farm

1. community farm teaches how to grow and raise 

2. some community farm has lots of anminal and grow vegie

3. not only grow vegie but also pretty flowers and fruits

4. most of community centres are in countryside but some are hide in the right middle of city

03:50 ~ care time : clean pig's place and feed goat

06:49~ wash your hands

07:02 ~ feeding goat , (sketch shot of goat

08:40~ If my pet(animation)-  could do anything-rabbit's birthday party

09:05~ The end 

12:30 ~ day?

오늘 한일정리??

13:10 my pet and me game  홍보,게임을 장려하는 BBC. 흥미유발?

13:21 끝나는 곡 wash your hands 

매거진의 이전글 Something speical
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