
You can make anything
by writing


by Lois Kim 정김경숙 Apr 18. 2024

잘 잤어요? Did you sleep well?

잠 (sleep)에 대한 표현들


우리 흔히 아침에 가족이나 친구들 만나면 "잘잤어?" 라고 묻잖아요. 그때 뭐라고 하세요? 

저는 자꾸 Did you have a  good sleep?" 이라고 해요. 물론 이게 틀린 말은 아닌데요. 이건 너 잠 퀄리티가 어땠어? 라고 묻는 것에 집중되어 있어요. 

그냥 일상적으로 묻는, 잘 잤니? 는,  "Did you sleep well?"이 좀더 맞아요.

그리고 오늘 처음 들은 표현인데요, 40 winks. 이거 뭔지 아세요? I got 40 winks. 라고 하면 낮잠 잠깐 잤어. 하는 말이예요. a few Z's 도 같은 뜻으로 쓰이더라구요. I need to get a few Z's. 

이참에 잠 (sleep)에 대한 표현 몇개 모아봤습니다.

40 Winks: If someone mentions taking "40 winks," they're referring to a short nap or a brief period of sleep.  

Example: "I need to take 40 winks before the party tonight."

A Few Z's: When someone says they need "a few Z's," they're expressing a desire to get some sleep. 

Example: "After a long day at work, I just want to get a few Z's."

Sleep In: To "sleep in" means to stay in bed later than usual, typically in the morning or on weekends. 

Example: "I love to sleep in on Saturdays and enjoy a leisurely breakfast."

Crash on the couch/bed: The phrase "crash on his bed" means to sleep or spend the night on someone else's bed, usually as a guest or visitor.

Example: "After a long day of traveling, I was grateful when John offered me to crash on his bed for the night."

Beauty Sleep: "Beauty sleep" refers to the idea that sleep is essential for maintaining one's appearance and overall health.

Example: "I always make sure to get enough beauty sleep before a big event."


작가의 이전글 wait for vs. wait up for
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