
You can make anything
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by 김현주 박사 Dec 27. 2022

정통파, 기교파, 양수겸장파​

정통파, 기교파, 양수겸장파​

HR 운영모델에 대해 기교파에 가까운 맥킨지가 제시한 5가지 모델에 대해 정통파에 가까운 Dave Ulich가 그의 모델을 다시 환기하면서 언급한 코멘트가 흥미롭다.

맥킨지도 기교(skill)에 방점을 두어 정통(academics)을 겸비한 양수겸장파이고 Ulich 교수 같은 분은 정통에 방점을 두어 기교를 양수겸장한 분이다. ​

경영이나 공학과 같은 응용분야에선 방점은 다를지언정 양수겸장을 하지 않고는 뛰어난 전문가로 활약하기가 어렵다.

선도국가엔 이런 양수겸장형 전문가들을 길러내는 사회(경력) 시스템을 잘 갖추고 있는 것 같다.​

생생하게 영어 원문과 관련 그림 자료를 붙인다.

<On HR Models>

McKinsey's Five emerging HR operating models

... eight innovation shifts have enabled companies to rethink how they manage their people and the best way to do so. Exhibit 2 shows the five emerging HR operating models we identified, which are all enabled by two core elements: a strong, consistent data backbone and a user-friendly, highly reliable service backbone. When asked which two archetypes best fit their HR operating model, 48 percent of people leaders attending a recent webinar selected Ulrich+, 47 percent EX-driven, 36 percent leader-led, 31 percent agile, and 6 percent machine-powered...​

Prof. Dave Ulich‘s comments on McKinsey's HR models.

I appreciate good work by McKinsey and others on HR operating models.  As Mihaly Nagy  suggests, our HR operating model is built on the following logic: Norm Smallwood

1. HR is NOT about HR, but success in the  marketplace.  So, an  HR operating model starts by defining stakeholder value in the marketplace with customer, investor, community in addition to business strategy and employee value outcomes.

2. HR contributes stakeholder value through "human capability" which includes talent (employee experience, competence, workforce) but also organization (culture, capability, workplace) and leadership.

3. HR departments deliver human capability to succeed in the marketplace through 9 HR department actions.

 The HR operating model is one of the 9 actions, and not the one that most impacts stakeholder value ... that is HR purpose and HR work relationships (see below)...​

#HR #Model #DaveUlich #McKinsey

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