
You can make anything
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by 이용만 Nov 07. 2023

Monkeys stealing smartphone

스마트폰이 귀한가 봐. 발리 원숭이도 알더라고

231107 in the news

2 years old girl driving her own car on the street at Okarche in Oklahoma.

you know that sinking feeling 철렁 내려앉는 기분 when you noticed flashing  in the lights of rearview of police car.    Asked her if she had a drivers licence.

I had a sinking feeling when I saw the news (Downpours with strong winds are lashing down).

스마트폰이 귀한가 봐. 발리 원숭이도 알더라고

1> Why are these monkeys stealing from tourists?

20:01 These monkeys are expert thieves.

0:07 Here we go, here we go! Oh, and there you go. 간다 간다

0:12 Brazen 뻔뻔, audacious 과감. 0:14 They've worked out 잘도 하네요 exactly how to get

what they want.

0:33 It's like taking candy from children, it really is.

0:41 You're a bit of a gangster, aren't you? 강도 맞지

0:43 You fancy yourself as a bit of a sunglasses hitman암살자. 우주팬시

1:06 I've been undercover 숨어 지켜보다 for about an hour. 1:08 The monkeys have

been stealing all sorts of stuff, flip flops, sunglasses.

1:13 I've managed to hang on 겨우겨우 지키고 있네요 to my own.

1:16 I'm told they even nick 스리슬쩍 their iPhones.

1:18 The interesting thing is though, they're taking all of this stuff

which is valuable to us humans, but they're not taking any food.

1:33 Well, obviously I spoke too soon말하자마자 너무 일찍 말했네 입이 방정이야 about my sunglasses.

1:39 But this daylight robbery is still all about food.

1:44 Just not in the way 그런 방식은 아니다 that you'd ever expect.

1:52 So, to understand what they're up to 할 수 있는지, I'm giving them an

irresistible opportunity거절할 수 없는 제안.

2:07 You see, these monkeys want something in return for대가로 my phone.

2:13 They're notorious유명한 for one thing... holding people to ransom몸값으로.

2:20 Ok, he's got my phone. 2:21 And there is a system by which I

may be able to do this. 2:24 Bartering물물교환.

2:30 Ok, that's what it thinks of peanuts땅콩일 때 생각하는 게 이거네요. 시큰둥

2:31 Let's try something a little bit more valuable to it.

2:36 Doesn't seem particularly 딱히 영국식 영어의 특징단어 interested in the bananas either, does

he? 2:40 The last prize that I have is this. 2:42 Protein, in the form of

eggs. 2:44 If anything's gonna get my phone back, it's this. 2:57 Yes!

캐나다에서는 본인의 말만으로도 성 정체성이 인정된다고? 문제를 제기하려는 성전환 역도선수

1>3 Trans-Woman's Powerlifting Record Broken By Man

Q:00 So this male power lifter entered the women's event and broke

all the records. Let's talk about it.

0:12 So this is Avi silverberg. Now he is the head coach for Team

Canada's power lifting team and he's been in that position for about

10 years

0:21 This is the Canadian powerlifting Union and their trans inclusion 받아들이는 정책

policy. So without reading the entire policy, it essentially says that an

athlete gets to tell the organizers what their gender identity is and the

organizers have to allow them to participate in the events with the

gender that they identify(본인의 말만으로) 정체성을 이야기하다  it.

0:41 So if you're a biological male and you say, I identify as a woman

then they must allow you to compete with the women in that event....

0:55. In a nutshell 간단히 말하면, the Canadian powerlifting unit is just going to

take your word for it. If you want to compete with the women and

you're a biological male, you just tell them I identify as a woman and

they'll let you compete.

1:05 So this policy allowed trans women to compete with women in


1:12 This is Anne Andres. She was the record holder in women's

powerlifting in Canada. The record for a bench press that she held

was 275 pounds. 1:21 Now Anne Andres won 8 out of nine competitions

she entered in the women's category over the past four years.

1:27 So now enter Avi silverberg. He goes to the women's competition

and he says, well hey, even though I look like this I identify as a

woman and he is allowed to compete in the women's competition.

1:37 He then goes on to shatter Anne Andres's record of 275 pounds

on the bench press by bench pressing nearly 370 pounds making him

the current women's record holder by nearly a hundred pounds.

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