
You can make anything
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by 이용만 May 15. 2024

화성 1년 살기

 NASA의 Mars Dune Alpha 시뮬레이터는 화성(火星) 환경을 모방하여 인간의 장기 우주 거주 가능성을 연구하는 프로젝트입니다. 이 시뮬레이터를 통해 얻은 지식과 경험은 미래의 우주 탐사, 특히 인간이 화성에 거주하는 날을 위한 중요한 밑거름이 됩니다. 자원자에게는 급여가 지급되며 전문성과 체력 심리적특성이 선발기준입니다.

 한 가지 재미있는 일화는 CHAPEA 참가자들이 진행한 '화성 피자 파티'입니다. 이 시뮬레이션 동안 참가자들은  단조로운 식단에 지쳐 있었고, 제한된 재료만을 사용해 '화성 피자'를 만들기로 결정했습니다.

피자 만들기는 단순히 식사를 넘어서 팀워크를 강화하고, 장기간의 고립 생활에서 오는 스트레스를 해소하고, 심리적 건강을 유지하는 데도 도움이 되었습니다.

NASA looking for people to live in a Mars simulator

0:01 Do you think you have what it takes 자격을 갖추다 to live on Mars? Well it just so happens 뭐, 그저 그런 일이 일어나는데요 the NASA is looking for participants for its next Mars simulation. The deadline for the second Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog Mission also called CHAPEA is April 2nd.

0:20 Participants will spend one year inside the Mars Dune Alpha simulator at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Texas, experiencing typical environmental stressors and the limited resources of the red planet.

1:28... Can you talk to me about some of the things that you know organizers consider when choosing the personalities that participate in these sort of experiment? 

... One of the most important things really is that... you need to bring some technical qualifications because someone needs to repair the habitat, someone needs to be able to fly

the Lander 착륙선. But most importantly actually you have to be a team player.

2:01 You have to work together with the other people. You have to put the team priorities higher than your own priorities so that's the most important thing. And the other thing is, I mean, sometimes things don't go as smoothly as you would like them to go. So you need to be adaptable. You need to be tolerant. When there's a conflict coming up, you need to actively look for solutions in a very factual manner.

2> NASA shows new Mars habitat 3D simulator

0:10 Take a look at the Mars habitat in the Johnson space center in

Huston that is actually really really nice. It is a 3D printed habitat with

four bedrooms, bathrooms, a workout room, a medical room and so

much more. It's all designed to simulate what real life would look like

on Mars.

0:28 A four-person crew will live in the area for a year, practicing the

research and growing task. Humans will actually be sent to Mars that

is to carry out in 2030. So they will during some periods have the opportunity to grow some crops and they will be able to consume those crops. So it would be like salad type of crops. So pick and eat leafy greens, tomatoes, things like that.

0:56 The four volunteers will be paid for 12 months. NASA monitors everything from their physical and mental well-being to the actual crop data.

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