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by 이용만 May 08. 2024

매미의 mating calls

미국의 일부 지역에서 221년 만에 처음으로 겹치는 두 개체군 매미가 등장할 예정이며, 수백억 마리에서 수조 마리로 예상됩니다. 주민들을 괴롭히는 매미의 짝짓기 소리는 마치 잔디 깎는 기계나 제트 엔진만큼 시끄럽지만, 사실은 노래 소리와 같습니다. 이들은 땅 속에서 13년과 17년 동안 각각 생활한 두 개의 종(種)군집으로, 미국 중서부와 남부 지역을 휩쓸 예정입니다. 1803년 제퍼슨 대통령 시절 이후 만나는 자연의 섭리이지요. 매미들은 약 한 달 동안 땅 위에서 활동하며,  초여름까지는 이 대형 곤충들이 사라질 것이라고 전문가들은 말합니다.

Now on GMA, with a natural phenomenon that last happened more than 200 years ago, two broods 군집 of cicadas emerging simultaneously, with some comparing their deafening mating calls to sirens or even heavy machinery. ABC's Will Gans has more on the buzz, the cicada commotion. Good morning, Will. Good morning, J. It's right behind me, isn't it? It's right behind me, isn't it? This spring, experts say to brace yourselves 단단히 각오해야 for billions, maybe trillions of cicadas emerging over large swahts of the country. Folks in South Carolina and Georgia already joining the cicada symphony online, which is anything but harmonious.

We're on the brink of a cicada tsunami. So what you're hearing right now is the cicada bug invasion. TikTok is bugging out. Billions of these bugs are about to burst from the ground together for the first time in over 221 years. So, if you live in Central Illinois, it might be a good sign to uh, Airbnb your house for a couple of weeks. It's time to face the music. Some residents in Newberry, South Carolina have their antennas all kinds of twisted up, and they've called our non-emergency line, flagged deputies down. People think they're hearing a siren. Um, they think that it may be like a burglar alarm or a warning siren, like something may be happening on alert. But this year, the buzz will be even bigger, thanks to a rare double emergence as two different groups of cicadas awaken from their subterranean slumber at the same time.


This morning, the cicadas are coming. There will be a record amount of bugs bursting from the ground in the next few months, and Americans are bracing. They are these massive, loud bugs that fly everywhere for a double dose of creepy-crawly impact 소름 끼치는 충격. If I see one, I'm not going outside. It's all thanks to a once-in-a-lifetime double emergence with two cicada broods, one that's lived underground for 13 years, the other for 17, crawling out of the soil across the Midwest and South, overlapping in multiple states, including Illinois and Iowa. Some of the first spotted this week in the Carolinas. How many cicadas are we talking? Somewhere in the hundreds of billions to trillions. Trillions, plural? Trillions, plural.

단단히 각오해, 고3이니까

Brace yourself! because you are now a senior in high school.

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