
You can make anything
by writing


by 이용만 May 01. 2024

다운증후 어린이 이발 봉사

 이발소 낯선 환경과 소음에도 예민한 장애아들이다. 머리깍고 깍이는 어린이는 물론이고, 보고있는 부모도 힘든 일이었다. 이발사 Vernon은 근무없는 날에, 무료로 머리를 깍아주기로 마음먹었다. 

 이발사는 장애어린이의 '당했다는 느낌', '무시받는 느낌'과 '포용되지 못한 서러움'에 공감했다. 어린이의 지시대로 멈추라면 멈추고 깍으라면 깍는다. 다운증후 아들과 교감해주는 이발사에게 어머니는 고맙기만 하다. 봉사하는 마음으로 이발하는 과정에서 동료와 부모들까지 행복해 진 것에 Vernon 자신도 행복했다.

TED 1>The story behind viral video of barber and young client with Down syndrome

This wonderful moment of barber Vernon Jackson giving 7-year-old Ellison a hair cut gone viral. Vernon owns the 'Noble Barber and Beauty' shop in Cincinnati, Ohio. He started 'The Gifted Event 영재 이벤트' where he donates haircuts to children who need accommodations 맞춰 줌(배려).

0:58 Ellison, his personality is by nature is a class clown. 본래 성격상 반에서 웃긴 친구이다.

And so if he knows what he's doing is making you laugh, he's gonna continue

doing it and it just becomes the fun thing that he does. So once he

saw the reaction from Vernon, I'm not surprised that he just continued it.

1:15 I can't help but get a kick out of it 재미있지 않을 수 없다. At one moment Julie was

like Vernon, I'm sorry. I'm like, no, no. no. Listen. Let him do his

thing. I would 얼마든지 해줄 수 있어 stop and go as many times as necessary to make sure

that he has a great experience in the chair and we get through it 진행할 수 있게.

1:30 I was not expecting it. He's never done that before. And I was

trying really hard not to crack up 빵 터지게 웃지 않을 수없었다. 

Ellison: And stop! And go!

Historically 예전같으면 for Ellison, I normally have to sit with him in the chair

and bear hug him 아이를 꼭 붙들어 so that he doesn't swat 파리채처럼 탁 치지않도록 the scissors out of the stylist's hand or he's never wanted the clippers 이발가위 anywhere close to him.

1:58 He's always freaked out 겁먹다 about it. And it takes a very long time.

And we're on display 구경거리가 되다 in the middle of a salon. And it's nice that we

have a place to go now where we're not judged and everyone's


2:10 I think that Vernon has a cool energy. He was just welcoming to

him and treated him like a human being, like any other client. And

worked with him and followed his lead. And I think that means a lot

to any person. And Ellison appreciated that and in turn felt super comfortable with that.

2:28 What I try to do is to make sure I talk to the child as a client

and not, you know, to the parent. Typically I leave the parents to be

to the side 부모가 옆에 있도록 if I'm allowed to. Right? If the child is doing good enough

by themselves, I'll have the time with the child. So we could build our

own connection and work through this process together.


2:49 I know what it feels like 어떤 느낌인지 to be insecure 불안하다는 것이. I know what it feels like to not be accepted 인정받지 못한다는 것이 . I know what it feels like to be looked over 당하는 기분 and looked past 무시되는 기분. I know all those things.

3:00 And my own journey had started with me, learning how to love

myself, learning how to accept who I am and how I was designed and

how I was designed to give and receive love. Being able to share

that in principle 주로 with children and with the families is what I'm

bringing and what I enjoy sharing with them.

3:23 I hope people can see just that everybody is unique in their own

way and everyone wants to be included 포용되기를 원한다. It's just having that safe

space to bring my son to just get a haircut 내 아들이 머리깍기에  like anybody else needs to

get  다른 사람들처럼. And it's not an ordeal 큰 시련 and it's not a traumatic event.

3:39 And the fact that it's not costing me anything 비용이 전혀 들지 않는다는 is a bonus. Like 이를테면, I would pay whatever I needed to pay 지불해야 할것을 기꺼이 to make sure, you know, my son got the same experience.

3:48 If people come into all the situations being fully 있는 그대로인 who they are,

they'll be amazed at how beautiful friendships and relationships can

blossom 꽃피울 수 있는지에 from that place.

2> Barber gives free haircuts to kids with special needs

0:00 On his day off Vernon Jackson still works opening up his

Cincinnati Barber shop for VIP clients, children with special needs.

I was hearing so many horror stories that parents were going through

with other barber shops 다른 이발소에서 겪는 and just the barbers or stylists having no

patience with their child (배려가 필요한)아이들에게 인내하기 힘들어.

0:22 So I figured I would compromise 타협해야겠다고 by coming in on my day off 내가 쉬는 날에 와서 so there were there would be no other barbers or stylists 다른 이발사나 스타일리스트가 없도록 in the shop and I could give them the full attention that they need. 

Especially for children that are highly sensitive to new environment and sounds. So

I wanted to create a space where they can come in and get acclimated 적응하다

to the barbershop experience.

0:46. Not only does he work on his day off, he does it for free.

When I first started promoting that I was going to come in on my off

day to do haircuts for children with different needs, a friend of mine

just randomly inboxed me 이메일을 보내왔다 and said, 'Hey Vern, can I sponsor a

haircut?" he said. More and more people were donating money for

haircuts. So Jackson started the gifted program to raise money for his clients.


엄마 재미있을거야 Mom will get a kick out of it.

인생에서 재미를 얻는 법 How can get a kick out of it in life

빵 터졌다 I cracked up at the joke.

You crack me up. I love your dad jokes 아재개그. You are good at cracking up people.

단단히 각오해, 고3이니까

Brace yourself! because you are now a senior in high school.

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