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by 이용만 Apr 24. 2024

90세 제인 구달

TED Jane Goodall on turning 90, what she'd like her legacy to be?

 2024.4.3 제인 구달의 90세 생일 인터뷰에서, 동물 행동학의 새로운 지평을 연 그녀의 곱게 늙으신 모습이 아름답다. 여성으로서 동물복지의 '퍼스트 펭귄'이기도 한 그녀는 청소년을 대상으로 '뿌리와 새싹' 환경보전 운동도 전개하고 있다. 환경과 동물이 인류와 연결되어 있음을 굳건하게 보여주고 있는 그녀와 동시대를 살고 있다는 것이 무한히 기쁘다.


 TED를 가르치는 선생님이 유학시절 제인 구달의 강의를 떠올렸다.  제인 구달이 침팬지와 친구가 되기까지의 경험이었다. 제인구달의 곁에 다가온 침팬지는 너트(nuts)를 먹으라고 내민 제인의 손을 두어 차례 외면했다. 침팬지 친구는 미안했는지 살며시 손가락 끝으로 제인의 손을 잡고 지그시 눌러 미안한 속마음을 교감할 수 있었다고 했다.

0:03 We are in the presence of a true trailblazer 길을 내려 숲을 불태우는 개척자. In 1960 world

renowned scientist and conservation activist, Dr. Jane Goodall

immersed herself 푹 빠져들다 in the world of chimpanzees in Tanzania. Her

groundbreaking 획기적인 discoveries have had a lasting impact on the scientific


0:20 Well today Dr. Goodall has continued her advocacy work 주창하는 일 and her

research through an organization called the Jane Goodall Institute. And

she's here to tell us about an exciting new partnership and a special

day because Dr. Goodall turning 90 years young 젊은 90 today....

0:50... In a sense 어떤 의미에서 you've been traveling like the last 300 days living on

a plane 비행기에서 사는 것처럼 for all intents and purposes 의도와 목적을 갖고 in kind of a birthday tour if you will(allow me to describe 생략됨. 말하자면 생일여행도 되시고의 뜻) because your advocacy for conservation 보존에 대한 옹호 continues no matter what 무슨 일이 있어도.

1:05... Well it has to because look at the state the world's in 세계의 상태를 봐야해요. Look at

how this deforestation, climate change, loss of biodiversity, poverty and

all the other things, you know, the industrial farming. 

So it's really important to get the message out 전달하는 것이. 

"Slow down, Jane. You're 90." 

I've got to speed up 속도를 높여야 해요 because I don't know how may years left I have. It's going to be a long time 오래 걸릴 거거든요.

1:25 Let's talk about this new partnership with jewelry company

'Brilliant Earth'. And today they've announced that they are giving you

really sizable donation 정말 큰 기부 to the Jane Goodall Institute. Talk about how

this donation will help impact your research.

1:40 Well we're having a gala this evening and there's going to be an

auction and look at this beautiful created to be Tanzanite 탄자나이트로 만들어진 and it's

recycled metal. And you know what's fascinating to me? What? This

beautiful chain could be recycled tooth fillings 치아 충전재. You really could. I only

learned that today 오늘에서야 그걸 알았어요.

2:05 It's really important because I was just in Brazil and I saw the

effect of the illegal gold mining where they use mercury. And huge

areas of beautiful river totally polluted for years to come. And the

people living alongside are suffering from mercury poisoning 수은 중독으로. All the

life in the streams and rivers is dead.

2:28 So to partner with a company that's using recycled metal and

everything is sourced, like the diamonds that are around here, they

are lab grown diamonds 실험실에서 만든 다이몬드. And so there is no impact in the creation of

these on the environment 환경에 미치는 악영향이 없다.

2:48 Over the years Dr. Goodall you've really embodied구현했다, I would say,

kindness and compassion, and not just for animals but for people as

well. What more should we all be doing 해야 할까요?... What more can we do to

spread that message ourselves.

3:07 You know I think the most important thing is for people to

understand that every day we live on this planet, we make some

impact. And we can choose so we should ask question. This thing

we're buying 구입하는 것들이 did it on the environment 환경에 영향을 미쳤는가 when it was made. Was it cruel to animals? Like factory farmed meat, eggs, milk. Is it cheap

because of unfair wages or slave labor.

3:30 If everybody asks those questions. And it might cost a little bit

more to buy ethically produced product. But then you value it more 소중히 여기고

and we waste less. Human waste is horrendous 아주 끔찍한 whether it's food,

clothing or whatever. There's so much of it 그런 일이 너무도 많다.

3:50 So I mean Jane, to us you are a true icon so there is Jane the

icon 아이콘인 제인 but there's also just Jane 단지 그저 제인. So it is your birthday. How does just Jane want to celebrate. 

"Well just Jane would like to be out somewhere

in a forest. Not in New York City. I mean you know that's really me."

But in order to spread the message, this is a good way to spend my

birthday not for me but for the message.

4:50... What would you like your legacy to be 유산이 되기를 바라나요? My legacy 물려주고 싶은 일 um, I would like my legacy to be the fact that because of the chimpanzee studies, science began to recognize animals like us have personalities, minds

and emotions right down from chimpanzees to elephants, dolphins,

whales to the octopus and secondly starting the program for young

people 'Roots and Shoots 뿌리와 새싹'  which is now in 70 countries around the


How old are you?

I'm almost 90 years young. 

It's hard to believe you are 60 years old. 

I've been 49 for several  years. 

나이야가라 Age is just a number.  

내 나이가 어때서 Age doesn't matter.

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