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by 이용만 Apr 10. 2024

잠이 보약

There's nothing like a good night's rest

잠깐 조는 것만으로 생산적, 창의적이 되는데,

명상도 수면처럼 유용하다는 하버드 교수

Here is how a midday nap can improve your health

The benefits of napping

0:04 As more and more Americans report they're finding it hard to get

a good night's sleep 숙면을 취하기. 37% of us adults said they slept worse in 2023

than in previous years with nearly 20% saying 거의 20%는~라고 말하면서 they struggle with not

being able to fall asleep 잠들지 못하거나 or stay asleep 계속 자지 못해.

0:22 It's no wonder 놀랄 일은 아니다, then ~결과에, that Google searches for the word 'sleep' '수면'이라고 검색한 결과 hit an all time high 최고치를 기록했고 last year with many Americans asking why am I tired all the time. We do know that we as a society don't get enough

sleep. We also have a poor quality sleep problem. So only about

three in ten adults report that their sleep is restorative 피로에서 회복하는.

0:22 A possible sleep solution? Catching some shuteye during the day

could help. The latest research shows habitual nappers those who

napped at least once a week had a larger total brain size 총 뇌의 크기 known as

brain volume 뇌 용적으로 알려진 than those who did not nap, a sign of good overall brain

health 전반적인 뇌 건강 linked to lower stress levels and a lower risk of dementia.

1:00 Researchers at MIT and Harvard Medical School found people

have increased productivity and are even more creative after waking

from a very short nap, leading many 많은 사람들이 to consider replacing powering 에너지를 보충하게끔 through with a power nap 낮잠을 자면서....

1:19 Dr. Rebecca Robbins, a leading sleep researcher and assistant

professor at Harvard Medical School. So we've got the credentials 보증을 얻는다


1:30 ... So if you are a napper, there are great benefits and now we

know... Napping can be a lifeline 생명줄 if you've not had a good night of

sleep but 숙면을 취하지 못했어도 the research is showing  that even a couple of minutes of a

nap actually is a great way for all of us to boost our creativity and

our productivity. There is one exception though.

1:46 Anyone who's struggling with sleep at night should not nap.

Well, I think everyone wants to know about the timing for a nap

because I feel like whenever I do try and I don't do it often 자주는 아니지만, I feel

horrible when I wake up. I feel like I'm lost. I don't feel sharp.

2:01 That might just be a mistimed nap. So recommendations are

actually specific 권장사항은 실제로 구체적이다. It's 20 minutes or less or a little bit longer about a 90-minute nap....

2:17 But the 20 or less is a great way to go....

2:22 Does napping make up for lost sleep? ...

2:33 In a perfect world we'd be hitting our personal sleep need night in and night out 밤낮으로 and keep our schedules consistent, but life happens 인생이 마음대로 안되죠. ...

2:58... What's so amazing is 정말 놀라운 점은 the research is showing 연구로 밝혀졌는데 moments even seconds in a stage one sleep 1단계 수면 that we enter when we enter a nap is actually extremely beneficial for our productivity and our creativity...

3:42... But good meditators are actually doing a little bit it's something

close to sleep 잠에 가까운 . And so I wouldn't be surprised 놀라지 않을 겁니다 if actually in some of your meditation sessions 몇몇 명상 단계에서 you might be benefiting from some of these.

3:50 I come out with clarity and energy, which is why I like the

meditation. ... I think that thinking about it as meditation or napping,

what we're doing is we're giving our brain a rest from our days and

we just talked about screens 장면들과 and all of the information that we're

taking in 받아들이는 정보들. So I think all are beneficial 모두 유익하다고.

잠이 보약 : There is nothing like a good night's rest.

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