
You can make anything
by writing


by 이용만 Apr 03. 2024

나이는 그냥 먹은 게 아니다

We've been around for a long time

Old man in the McDonald's drive thru

드라이브스루에서 노인 우습게 보지 마세요.

주문 더디다고 불평하는 뒷 여성에게 83세 노인이 여성몫까지 지불했지만... 

다시 줄을 서야 했던 해프닝.

0:00 I am 83 years old. I was in the McDonald's drive through this


0:11 The young lady behind me leaned on her horn and started

mouthing입모양으로 말하다 some ugly things because I was taking too long to place

my order주문하다.

0:26 So when I got to the first window, I paid for her order along

with my own 내 거랑 같이. The cashier must have told her what I had done.

0:38 Because as we moved up, she leaned out 내밀면서 her window and waved

to me. She began mouthing thank you, thank you.

0:52 Probably feeling embarrassed that I had repaid 되갚아주다 her rudeness

with kindness.

1:01 What I got to the second window, I showed the server both

receipts and I took her food, too.

1:16 Now she has to go back to the end of the queue and start all

over again새로 다 다시.

1:24 Don't blow your horn at old people. We've been around for a

long time나이는 그냥 먹은 게 아니다例 I've been around here 이곳 전문가다.

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