
You can make anything
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by 이용만 Mar 27. 2024

반려. 닮아가는 삶

When our pets look like us

When our pets look like us

부부끼리도 닮는데 같은 것을 먹고 바라보는 환경에서 닮는 것이 아닐까. 동물세계에서 외모의 유사성으로도 내면 유사성도 높을 것으로 추론한다. 반려는 닮아가는 일이기도 한가 보다.

0:00 Could it really be true, as some folks say, that pets and their

owners begin to resemble each other?

0:16 Our dogs, constant companions, best friends, part of the family.

And do our loyal four-footers 네발 동물 also look like us?

0:30 As soon as I saw him, I knew he was the one who was coming

home with me 우리 집에 가는 거야. Frankie Roby and his dog Ozzy live in Rutherford New

Jersey. They're both sharp dressers 멋쟁이 and... “I can't help but noticed 알아 채릴 수 있네요 that you've got like a little goatee 염소수염 happening here and I can't help but Ozzy's got one, too."

0:47 "Yeah he's got the fu manchu 팔자수염 look going on, the mountain man

look." "Do people tell you that you look like him?" "Yeah. Normally

when mine's grown out 내 수염이 좀 더 자라면 a little more, we'll get some laughs 우릴 보고 웃는다 and stuff walking around in the neighborhood here."

0:58 This is Sukie. We're matching. We're always matching. In Abilene, Texas. 

Christy Stevens and her dog Sukie sport 과시하다 a Texas style.

“I noticed that Sukie even seems to have a kind of cool comb down 쿨하게 빗질해서

hairdo 머리모양 that almost matches yours."

1:16 “You know, here in Texas, we like our hair high, so I do poof 후까시를 넣다

mine not as much poofy as it used to be 옛날만큼은 아니고. But Sukie also got a trim.

So hers is much shorter to match mine....

1:29... And they both like nothing better 이보다 더 좋은 거 없다 than a spin around the

ranch 목장을 한바퀴 도는 것. "And we go on our outing 소풍 간다 each evening and take Sukie for a ride which she enjoys very very much.

1:29 Gerrard Gethings spent a whole year photographing dog and the

people who look like them in England....

1:56... in his photographs people and dogs bear an uncanny 묘하게 닮아 and

hilarious resemblance....

2:50... Oh my gosh! Her expression is priceless 참 소중한 재미가 있네....

3:13... For Barry(남자이름), Bubbles(강아지이름) is not only trusted companion and best

friend. He's a soul mate. I think you know, we look big and strong or

you know, a little bit dominating 겉으로는 겁주는 것 같은, but we're not. We're very soft and

gentle on the inside 내면으로는.

3:37... Dogs and their owners may look alike or they may not. But the

bond is so much more than fur deep 연대감은 털 깊숙이 보다 더 깊다. It's unconditional love 조건 없는 사랑 that we humans do our best to live up to 거기 맞춰 살아가다.

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