TED Arthur Brooks: Build the Life You Want
Harvard Professor, Social Scientist, and Author
행복은 느낌이라거나 목적지(Destination)가 아니다. 행복이란 부정적인 경험을 통해 살아남으려는 것과 불안한 느낌사이의 갈등으로부터 성장하고 배우는 과정이요 방향(Direction)이다.
원하는 삶을 구축하세요(Build the Life You Want)에서 Arthur C. Brooks와 Oprah Winfrey는 상황이 아무리 어려워도 더 큰 행복을 향한 여정을 시작하도록 초대합니다.
그들은 가족, 우정, 일, 신앙이라는 행복의 네 가지 기둥으로 행복한 삶을 살아가기를 권합니다. 통찰력, 동정심, 희망을 바탕으로 어떻게 당신의 삶을 즉각적으로 변화시킬 수 있는지 보여줍니다.
감정적 자기 관리 도구를 갖추고 네 가지 기둥을 세울 준비가 되어 있으면 상황이 개선되기를 바라거나 기다리는 대신 현재와 미래를 통제할 수 있습니다.
0:43 Arthur Brooks is a world renowned social scientist, "Happiness is
really a combination of three things, enjoyment, satisfaction and
and a professor at Harvard Business School, whose
course on happiness is so popular. There's always a long wait list...
1:35. I was really excited to hit number one on the New York Times
bestsellers. I mean one of the reasons why it's so gratifying 벅찬 느낌 is because
first of all, number one, it's always gratifying . It's a nice number. It
has a nice ring to it...있어 보인다
6:53... There have been two big storms in the past couple of decades
that we have to pay attention to. The first was around 2008, 2009.
Now I know everybody watching us is like, oh obviously the financial
crisis. Uh-uh. That wasn't it... It was social media. That's when
everybody started looking at social media 그 때에 시작했다...
7:20... And that's when a couple of things were happening . So twitter,
for example, became a platform for people to be intensely negative.
Instagram is not the same way 그렇지는 않아. It's more of a platform for people to
compare themselves to others. But that had a big impact especially
on young people, especially on women and girls, 15 to 25 years old.
7:38 It created a new kind of culture that was intensely comparative
and problematic. So social media actually, where people think it's
bringing you closer together and you're communicating on Facebook,
it's actually made people less happy. Lonelier. ...
8:20 Social media is the junk food of social life.... That's like getting ~것 같은
all your meals at 7-Eleven . You'll get too many calories and not
enough nutrients. That's the reason you'll binge 계속해대다 and get lonelier.
That's a problem. And a lot of young people have never developed in
a way where they can finally figure out how to use it responsibly 분별력있게.
8:53 What's going to happen to the generation that was born at that
time and that's all they've ever known? ... That's a massive social
experiment. We're in the midst of right now. Yeah. It's not as if 나쁜 것은 아니다
social media is all evil. I mean you can use it responsibly. Absolutely.
9:10 If you would not let somebody into your house who bears you ill
will 당신에게 나쁜 마음을 품고있는 사람, you shouldn't let them into your head.
And that means you shouldn't be looking at the social media where somebody can be
tweeting at you or X-ing 트윗이 X로 바뀜 at you and telling you that you're this, you're
that. That's the storm....
9:32. Let's get happier. On page five, you say, "Happiness is not a
destination. Happiness is a direction....
10:19 ... We think it's a feeling. We think it's a destination. It isn't
either. Happy feelings are nothing more than emotions ~일 뿐이다. Emotions are
nothing more than information that we need in reaction to the outside
10:31 And as a destination, why would you want to be completely
happy as the destination? You'd be dead in a week because you
actually need negative emotions and experiences to train you to keep
you vigilant 경계하도록, to keep you safe. ...
10:48 I mean maybe when I die and I'm in heaven, I see the face of
God, the beatific vision 엄청 행복한 will be pure happiness. But on earth, I'm telling
you, I need my negative emotions to keep me alive and safe. I need
my negative experiences to learn and grow. And so that's what
people, they want to stay alive and safe, but they don't want the
feelings that keep them alive and safe. And that's this conflict that
they have, which is why they feel so unsettled.
12:55... but that if we take the divine path 신성한 길 in life, religious or not
religiously understood, a better path in life, we'll be happy. And those
are our faith, family, friends, and work that serves.
Now if you give any teenage kid the choice between money, power, pleasure and honor
or faith, family, good friends, and work that serves, what are they
going to take? ...
13:25 If you get that car, man, you're gonna be really happy. If you
get that job, you get that money, if you get that 100,000 Instagram
followers or whatever your number happens to be, you're gonna be
happy. But that's a lie. It's the bottom line. There's nothing wrong
with those things. But if you get those things, if we are so lucky to
get those things, they should only ever be in service of the big four 네 개의 기둥에 부수적인.
the good four.