
You can make anything
by writing


by 달그림자 Nov 15. 2023

ᴇᴘ. 37 Weekend

[autumn diary]

Hello Maman, it has been so long:) On a whim, I found myself behind the wheel, heading to the art gallery-and what a splendid decision that was! To be surrounded by the works of beloved artists on such a beautiful autumn weekend..

While picking up fallen leaves, I inadvertently got into a competition with three little ones-it seems I won, judging by the looks. Two of them cast me resentful glances before they left, perhaps a bit miffed. Yet, one sweet child bid me farewell, which I truly appreciated.

(Alas, my competitive spirit can be troublesome at times- reflecting on it, I suspect the parents might have found me quite pitiable, ha! A moment of self reflection indeed.)

작가의 이전글 ᴇᴘ. 36 마음
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