
You can make anything
by writing


by peter shin Jun 23. 2024

Irish tempo goes faster

Dr. Bruce Seet @ the bar

Irish tempo goes faster and the volume of the music adds more power as WE drink more Guinness. With no electric amplifier or any other sound equipment, their music adds more anergy of their own as they go on. It is amazing. 'We' here are those Irish musicians for the traditional music as well as  myself and the other clients at the bar.

Hey James, give me your big smile my friend. I tried some deep fried calamari with Mongolian sauce and with Guinness of course.

@ the restroom.. gee.. :p

And I made a new friend today, Bruce Seet. He was one of the fiddlers. We found so many coincidences between two of us. We own each unit of same condo in downtown. Both of us are U of T daddies and cat lovers. He is a big fan of BTS. His ex is Korean. He travels a lot like I did when I worked for hp. Both of us are good at understanding science and music. I majored in physics while he has molecular genetics. etc, etc, etc. He is a professor in Dept of Molecular Genetics in U of T and has many titles in biopharmaceutical and life sciences industry. Good to meet you Dr. Seet.

On Saturday night.

매거진의 이전글 her birthday
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