
You can make anything
by writing


by 최승돈 Apr 04. 2021

광복을 기다림

일제강점기 정말 모든 조선사람들이 광복을 기대하고 기다린 건 아닐 것입니다. (많은 경우 조선사람 모두가 광복을 간절히 염원했을 것으로 쉽게 전제하고 넘어가지만..) 모르긴 몰라도 친일파나 형편 좋은 사람들은 광복 혹은 또 다른 유사한 표현에 오히려 진저리를 쳤을 것입니다. (어찌 보면 광복을 염원하는 것도 일부에게 주어진 특권.) 광복이 있어야만 한다는 생각과 함께 반드시 광복이 올 것임을 믿고 이 모든 것을 견뎌낸 사람. (다시 생각해 보면 이런 분들이 과연 당시에 몇 분이나 계셨을까요?) 설령 고통을 당할지언정 부디 이 같은 길 걷기를 영광스러워하는 사람이 되어야 하겠습니다. (혹 나라가 망하든 말든 제 한 몸 잘 먹고 잘 살 생각이나?) 광복이 오는 날, 광복은 오직 이와 같은 사람들에게만 광복이 될 것입니다. (죽 쓰다 보니 광복은 여러 면에서 구원과 매우 유사하네요.) 좋네요. (일의 결국은 자고로 우리 앞에 분명! 계시와 역사적 교훈이 일치!)

I never take it for granted that really all the Korean people under the Japanese colonial rule were desperate for the liberation of the country. Well-fed pro-Japanese collaborators would probably shudder at anything like it. More often than not it is definitely true that not everybody longs for any change for better. In this respect, dreaming something desirable can be regarded as a kind of privilege enjoyed only by some of us who deserve it. Although I may suffer and be persecuted, I just hope to be one of those who stand firm longing for the ultimate good of life. At the moment of truth, truth will be truth only to this kind of people. It's so simple and plain to everybody and I take it for granted, granted by God. Hallelujah!

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