<3강> 글의 구조
1. An important advantage of disclosure, as opposed to more aggressive forms of regulation, is its flexibility and respect for the operation of free markets.('폭로'의 중요한 이점은, 공격적인 형태의 규제와 비교하였을때, 그것의 융통성과 자유시장의 운영에 대한 존중이다) Regulatory mandates are blunt swords; they tend to neglect diversity and may have serious unintended adverse effects. (규제하는 명령은 양날의 검이며, 그것들은 다양성을 무시하고 심각한 의도되지 않은 부작용을 불러온다.=> 결론은 폭로의 장점을 강조하고 있다)
2. For example, energy efficiency requirements for appliances may produce goods that work less well or that have characteristics that consumers do not want. Information provision, by contrast, respects freedom of choice. (가전기기의 에너지 효율성을 예로 들어서 '폭로'의 장점을 강조하고 있으므로 앞의 내용이 반복된다.)
<수능 영어시험 2023년 23번>
1. Human beings do not enter the world as competent moral agents. Nor does everyone leave the world in that state. But somewhere in between, most people acquire a bit of decency that qualifies them for membership in the community of moral agents. Genes, development, and learning all contribute to the process of becoming a decent human being. (서론이 참 길다.. 인간이 처음부터 도덕적인 존재가 아니며 사회화를 거쳐 일종의 예의를 갖춘다고 한다. 유전자와 발달, 학습은 모두 도덕적 존재의 형성에 기여한다.)
2. The interaction between nature and nurture is, however, highly complex, and developmental biologists are only just beginning to grasp just how complex it is. (역접의 연결사를 통해 중간에 주제문을 제시하므로 앞의 서론 내용이 크게 중요하지는 않다. 그러나 이러한 도덕적 존재에 영향을 미치는 요소들의 상호작용은 매우 복잡하단다!)
3. Without the context provided by cells, organisms, social groups, and culture, DNA is inert. Anyone who says that people are “genetically programmed” to be moral has an oversimplified view of how genes work. (환경없이는 유전자가 없으며, 유전적으로 도덕적이라는 말도 유전자를 과대평가하는 발언이라고 한다. 결국 환경과 유전자가 서로 복잡하게 영향을 미친다는 주제문의 부연 설명이다)
<수능 영어시험 2020년 23번>
1. An important advantage of disclosure, as opposed to more aggressive forms of regulation, is its flexibility and respect for the operation of free markets.(주제문임) Regulatory mandates are blunt swords; they tend to neglect diversity and may have serious unintended adverse effects.
2. For example(예시가 나오면서 앞문장을 반복!), energy efficiency requirements for appliances may produce goods that work less well or that have characteristics that consumers do not want. Information provision, by contrast, respects freedom of choice.
3. Disclosure does not interfere with, and should even promote, the autonomy (and quality) of individual decision-making. (맨 마지막 문장에서 다시한번 1번을 똑같이 강조했다. 폭로는 자율성과 개인의 의사결정을 증진시킨다. 결국에는 '폭로'의 장점에 대해 일관되게 서술하고 있는 글이다.)
<수능 영어시험 2023년 23번>
Like whole individuals, cells have a life span. During their life cycle (cell cycle), cell size, shape, and metabolic activities can change dramatically. (서론) A cell is “born” as a twin when its mother cell divides, producing two daughter cells. Each daughter cell is smaller than the mother cell, and except for unusual cases, each grows until it becomes as large as the mother cell was. During this time, the cell absorbs water, sugars, amino acids, and other nutrients and assembles them into new, living protoplasm.(세포의 성장과정에 대해 쭉~~ 설명)...(중략)... That cell metabolism and structure should be complex would not be surprising, but actually, they are rather simple and logical. Even the most complex cell has only a small number of parts, each responsible for a distinct, well-defined aspect of cell life. (주제문: 세포의 신진대사와 구성은 놀라울뿐만 아니라 단순하며 논리적이란다.)
<수능 영어시험 2022년도 29번>