
You can make anything
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by 스테르담 Sep 03. 2018

The symbols of BTS 'Idol' MV

Analysis of the story [Eng. Version]

Original Version (Korean)

I don't know well bout BTS because I'm a little bit old man.

So, I think this is the real evidence how much BTS's impact great seeing that I'm writing something about them.

I have two reason to write this article.

First, my two boys are crazy into BTS. More than imagine. They are elementry students, but they sing BTS songs everyday. It's very funny, it sounds like childen song eventhough they sing 'Fake love'. I cheering them anyway looking back my past. Any passions are alway right!

Second, BTS has a sotry. Not just for consumption. They tell us about 'isolation', 'Love', 'Growth' which is very important message to the social. I think this messages effect to all of persons and the world. Especially, I saw many of symbols in this 'Idol' MV and I want my two boys read some messages from it. If BTS is telling something, then the fans must listen carefully to it.

1. The core message of 'Idol' MV

This time song is the end of 'Love Your Self'. I'm always saying to my to boys, "The most important thing is yourself! And next is family!" That's why I love 'Idol' song of BTS. If you see the MV, then you can find 3 big core messages.

1. I love myself! (Idon't care of other's voice)

2. Their self-portrait as a worldwide star! (with Korean confidence)

3. Love to their fans! (Thanks messages)

Let's start with these three core massage, then you will find more big things!!!

The MV stars with sunrise scene. Looks like African background. You can see a sailing boat and a globe. The last scene is different. Sun is going down. Through the MV, many symbols are treated in a day. That is, the summary of BTS's activities.

And you can see more African style. This is related 'South African music style'. And this is mixed to Koran traditional music & rhythm. So, you can hear Koran shouting (ex. Ulssoo! Jihwaja! Johta!) & see Korean style lion mask.

When you see the globe in the first scene, you can find America side. It shows theire achievemnets that win a billboard chart in North America & big success in Latin America. The sailing boat reminds us 'Columbus' who discover the continent.

If you see the globe in the last scene, you can see it is changed to Korea side. They are saying that BTS is global star but the origin is Korea! They want to say that They love themselves & they have a strong confidence as Korean!

2. I don't care of others! That's what I am. So, I'm happy!

They sing that they don't care that others call them as "Artist" or "Idol".

They find their identity and realize that's the fastest way to the hapiness.

So, When Suga doing rapping, members don't care of it and just seeing where they want to see. They execute their message!

And right side, you can see gorgeous scene with flowering mannequin & walls. And the boy's face is changing to various. As you know, the mannequin is the fake person who get other's eyes. And alway in good looking. It stands for the entertainer like BTS. The wlls looks like the stage. The changing face stands for the life of celebrity who should show various performance to the fans.

BTS have told some messages to 'anti-fans' in Mic. Drop.

The same message to 'anti-fans' but it's different from Mic. Drop. They take revenge in Mic. drop, but in 'Idol', they just say "I dont' care of it. Just do your businees!"

Can you imagine of the meaning of 'Unicorn'? It's the symbol of the childish. (Like the belif of Santa Claus) When they debut, some people attact them saying that BTS is very childish because of their name & music style. But??? They are making huge success. So, it looks like the boy is saying that "So, What????"

In right side, you can see 'anti-fans' in shark shape. But BTS looks safe in the cage. And the cage stands for the stage and the display of cell phone. Many people in worldwide meet BTS through the display & stage, and BTS is safe with fan's cheering & Love!

Even though they are saying "I don't care of others!", anyway they have bad memories & some hurting. I focused on the drawings by BTS members  with big interest! Looks like for the psycology treat.


He has a big threat with killing message. So, he drows firing monster. The frame is made of people's hands & CCTV shape which harass him.


It's BT21 caracter. You can see anti-fans in BT21's hands. BT21 is scoling the exists who harass BTS. And 13 & 18 has several meanings. 13, 18 is lucky number in gamble. And (20)13 is the year of BTS debut & now is 20(18). 13-18=5. This is 5th anniversary of BTS! And growing with fan's love.


The whale is the biggest exist in the sea! So, he has confidence with their growing. Korean sound of whale is "Gorae". But he uses "KORE" reminding "Korea"! (Good idea!!!!)

3. Conflict with self but building up of identity

"You can't stop me lovin' myself!"

When we go to Jimin's roaring, we finaly meet BTS's world. Their own stage with splendid colors. We can recall yellow & purple color in 'DNA'. It was just a kind of material but in this 'Idol' MV, all materials have been built up! It is the complete of 'Identity'!

The dance is very strong & powerful with the confidence!!!

To build up the identity in positive way, people should fight themselves. So, BTS sing "I have hundreds of me inside! so confused, but it is anyway me, so I'll run and run!"

If I'm good & trying to be positive, then other selves will follow me! So, the group dance stands for the union of selves. And sometimes we need the courage to blow the unnessasary identities away like the below scene!

4. Love to the fans

BTS's Love expression to fans is symbolic & direct!

The rabbit is the symbol of "Communication!" Because rabbit has a big ear. BTS is ready to listen to their fan's voice!

And you can find the snow white princess. Seven dwarfs respect & serve her. And BTS members are in seven. Then, you are the princess!

And you can see the very direct message from BTS. '愛' & '사랑' means "Love"!

5. Growth, Sucess & Modesty

The flower is 'Lotus'. 'Lotus' purify the dirty pond making good flavor. They accept the criticism & sublimate it!

And you can see the giants. The giants stands for their growth & success. But, let's don't forget. The gitants are just avatar. That's not real exist. It means they know the suceess & big growth, but it's just avatar & their real identity is just normal human. I can read their modesty.

6. Big ending

Tiger is the symbol of the Korean peninsular & spirit. So, BTS have strong confidence as Korean. And shows the wish that North & South Korea make re-union! The big mask of lion is from North Korea side standing for the celebrity's mask. So, they are in the mask and sing a song & dancing.

BTS is amazing. I hope my two boys really enjoy BTS & finding good messages. And I hope this article gives some help to other countries BTS fans.


매거진의 이전글 우리 아이들을 위한 BTS 'Idol' MV 해석
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