

You can make anything
by writing


by 영어 참견러 Jun 25. 2023

민수기(Num) 20장

12. 여호와께서 모세와 아론에게 이르시되 너희가 나를 믿지 아니하고 이스라엘 자손의 목전에 나의 거룩함을 나타내지 아니한고로 너희는 이 총회를 내가 그들에게 준 땅으로 인도하여 들이지 못하리라 하시니라

12. But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.”

13. 이스라엘 자손이 여호와와 다투었으므로 이를 므리바 물이라 하니라 여호와께서 그들 중에서 그 거룩함을 나타내셨더라

13. These were the waters of Meribah, where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he was proved holy among them.

Moses and Aron had been playing a role of wonderful and loyal leaders, who were patient and trustworthy, so they could have been leading a number of Isralites who were not satisfied at getting freedom and easily complaining and blaming them all the time. Moreover, whenever something bad happens, they tended to fall facedown to the Lord and asked Him for help.

However, at this scene, God was rebuking them as they didn't trust in Him enough to honor him as holy. As the result, they were not allowed to bring them all, including themselves, into the land He gives. What terrible consequence of their lives! They must have been trying hard to, but they couldn't.

Meribah, which means quarreling, is like bitter water to me. Quarreling with the Lord means not trusting Him 100% and even Moses and Aron couldn't do. On the other hand, it seems that He wants us to show His holiness and sovereignty among us through trust and absolute obedience.

I feel like I need to be alert to His voice and follow it as He commands me to do, getting rid of my thoughts and judgment, and emotions as well.

Father, let me stop complaining and blaming others, and help me not even think of quarreling with You at all, by trusting in You 100% and leaving every consequence of my life to You with the faith, that You do goods for those who are called according to Your will, and who loves You.

매거진의 이전글 민수기(Num) 15장
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