

You can make anything
by writing


by 영어 참견러 Jun 25. 2023

민수기(Num) 29장

7. 일곱째 달 열흘 날에는 너희가 성회로 모일 것이요 너희의 심령을 괴롭게 하며 아무 일도 하지 말 것이니라

7. “ ‘On the tenth day of this seventh month hold a sacred assembly. You must deny yourselves and do no work.

God seems to give the Israelites all kinds of duties (offerings) on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, including feasts readiness, such as the Passover and day of atonement and so forth.

How could they serve all these things and when they work or play? This question came out of my mind, but hopefully I found this this verse 7,  Quote, "You must deny yourselves and do no work." And it also says that these offerings and keeping them would be an aroma pleasing to the LORD.

I spent my days doing many things, regardless of the value of those I have done all day long, but I found that nothing could make Him pleased. The first thing I  should do is to remember Him and focus on Him, though I don't have anything to give Him, my thoughts, minds, and my heart could have been with Him.

Actually, I have rarely remembered Him, rather with my minds filled with many thoughts. It was a good day, but one thing was missing, which was God, my Father.

매거진의 이전글 민수기(Num) 27장
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