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by 영어 참견러 Jul 25. 2023

Going Backward

예레미야(Jer) 7장

22. 사실은 내가 너희 조상들을 애굽 땅에서 인도하여 낸 날에 번제나 희생에 대하여 말하지 아니하며 명령하지 아니하고

22. For when I brought your ancestors out of Egypt and spoke to them, I did not just give them commands about burnt offerings and sacrifices,

23. 오직 내가 이것을 그들에게 명령하여 이르기를 너희는 내 목소리를 들으라 그리하면 나는 너희 하나님이 되겠고 너희는 내 백성이 되리라 너희는 내가 명령한 모든 길로 걸어가라 그리하면 복을 받으리라 하였으나

23. but I gave them this command: Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you.

24. 그들이 순종하지 아니하며 귀를 기울이지도 아니하고 자신들의 악한 마음의 꾀와 완악한 대로 행하여 그 등을 내게로 돌리고 그 얼굴을 향하지 아니하였으며

24. But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They went backward and not forward.

The inclinations of humans' evil hearts don't seem to obey God, by not listening to Him and  going backwards, not forwards. Then what does it mean by going backwards?

I think that it means going back to the place of sins, including evil thoughts and hearts of not knowing God and not acknowledging Him as our Sovereign Lord, and the tendency of not obeying His commands as well, rather likely to do what our sinful nature desires to do.

Even so-called Christians like me are easily going backwards of not obeying His commands, not even trying to listen to His messages of warnings, which is the Words of wisdom because it bothers me. I mean it seems to lead my desires to go wrong all the time, stopping me from doing what i want. Exactly speaking, it oftentimes reveals my sinfulness, so i am not willing to listen to it. As the result, there is a chance of going backwards in the spiritual state of mind. In a word, in the state of corrupt mind and hearts.

Therefore, I shouldn't avoid reading and meditating on the Word of God, the Bible, eventhough I feel uncomfortable, guilty, or heartbroken because it is the only way that hinders me from going backwards, right the place of sins.

매거진의 이전글 The Temple of the Lord
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