

You can make anything
by writing


by 영어 참견러 Aug 15. 2023

Stiff- necked

목이 곧은

예레미야(Jer) 19장

1. 여호와께서 이와 같이 말씀하시되 가서 토기장이의 옹기를 사고 백성의 어른들과 제사장의 어른 몇 사람과

1. This is what the LORD says: “Go and buy a clay jar from a potter. Take along some of the elders of the people and of the priests

10. 너는 함께 가는 자의 목전에서 그 옹기를 깨뜨리고

10. “Then break the jar while those who go with you are watching,

11. 그들에게 이르기를 만군의 여호와께서 이와 같이 말씀하시되 사람이 토기장이의 그릇을 한 번 깨뜨리면 다시 완전하게 할 수 없나니 이와 같이 내가 이 백성과 이 성읍을 무너뜨리리니 도벳에 매장할 자리가 없을 만큼 매장하리라

11. and say to them, ‘This is what the LORD Almighty says: I will smash this nation and this city just as this potter’s jar is smashed and cannot be repaired. They will bury the dead in Topheth until there is no more room.

15. 만군의 여호와 이스라엘의 하나님께서 이와 같이 말씀하시되 보라 내가 이 성읍에 대하여 선언한 모든 재앙을 이 성읍과 그 모든 촌락에 내리리니 이는 그들의 목을 곧게 하여 내 말을 듣지 아니함이라 하시니라

15. “This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘Listen! I am going to bring on this city and all the villages around it every disaster I pronounced against them, because they were stiff-necked and would not listen to my words.’ ”

What a clear message of God who looked so upset at the disobedient children that He had forced Jeremia to show some pots smashed in front of the elders of the people and of the priests, which could be a wake up call to all humans of these days including me. I think that we humans tend to do what is evil and wicked with creativity that God, the Creator, never allowed, nor did our parents teach how to do.

Why is that? I believe that it is because of our sinful nature, with which we oppose against God and parents, who want us to do good for our sake. I feel like no matter how hard I try to do good in my hearts, my thoughts are often tugged into doing bad, though it ends with just a short- term imagination. In this way, I will not be free from the judgment of our righteous God.

The problem is that we never get freed from the results of it. Disasters  and failures, and death, including the eternal death of our souls. Actually, not to mention of the eternal life or death, people suffer from many kinds of disasters that are happening In a daily basis and whenever I see them, I feel sick and tired of and I want to shout at all humans and to me like, "Stop being stiff-necked and listen to His Words!"

매거진의 이전글 A potter
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